10 Most Obedient Dog Breeds

There are more than a thousand dog breeds in the world, each of which has its own distinct feature. How obedient a dog will be is influenced by communication with it, the process of socialization and emotional closeness with the owner. But still there are dogs, by nature, more inclined to obedience.

Education and training are important components of keeping a four-legged pet. But when choosing a puppy, many lose sight of the fact that not every dog โ€‹โ€‹is easy to cope with.

Quite often the priority is given to such a criterion as obedience. Obedient dogs are considered “problem-free” – it is easy with them, they do not differ in aggression, docile, well trained. Today we will try to propose worthy candidates, distinguished precisely by obedience.

But at the same time, we emphasize: even the smartest, most obedient, the most beautiful dog will reveal its best qualities solely as a result of systematic and consistent training. There are no such dogs in the world that do everything themselves. The dog is made by its owner – we will start from this thesis.

Border Collie

most obedient dog breeds Border Collie
Border Collie

Representatives of this breed are considered the smartest among domestic dogs. Border Collies have a high learning ability and get along well with all family members. These dogs need regular long and active walks.


most obedient dog breeds Poodle

These decorative dogs understand any command and often win prizes in various competitions. The owners characterize poodles as obedient dogs with a lively mind.

German Shepherd

most obedient dog breeds German Shepherd
German Shepherd

German Shepherd is an unusually intelligent dog that even children over ten years of age can handle. But for an animal not to be lazy, patience, perseverance and cunning are required.

Golden Retriever

most obedient dog breeds Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever

The luxurious coat of the golden retriever shimmers in the sunlight with golden highlights. These dogs are friendly, make decisions quickly and easily, love children very much and are extremely patient with them.

Doberman Pinscher

most obedient dog breeds Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinscher

These dogs are devoted companions, distinguished by a special intelligence, vigilance and obedience. Dobermans are easy to train and require high activity.

Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

most obedient dog breeds Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)
Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

Representatives of the breed are called miniature collies. Shetland Sheepdogs are incredibly intelligent and understanding animals that are very attached to the owner and are ready to please him for any praise.

Labrador Retriever

most obedient dog breeds Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever

A well-known guide dog that serves its owner faithfully. Differs in special obedience, compliance and kindness. Labrador Retriever is considered a pet that does not have any faults.


most obedient dog breeds Papillon

These miniature dogs are very intelligent, obedient and have a good memory. Thanks to their good-natured disposition, Papillons are not aggressive, they easily converge with all family members and other pets.


most obedient dog breeds Rottweiler

Despite the stubborn nature, Rottweilers are quite obedient. One has only to show perseverance and patience in the process of education, constantly demonstrating the master’s authority to the dog.

Australian Shepherd

most obedient dog breeds Australian Shepherd
Australian Shepherd

These dogs are characterized by hard work and courage. They are obedient, easy to train and quickly become attached to the owner. Australian Shepherds lend themselves to training much better than others.

The main thing is to conduct classes regularly, showing patience and gentle perseverance to the animal, while not forgetting about affection and encouragement.