10 Of The Rarest Dog Breeds You Need To Meet

Dogs and cats are man’s best friends, but if the latter are on your mind and you can’t call them service animals, then dogs are loyal and devoted friends, ready to fulfill the wishes of the owner and very bored of him in the event of even a short separation. Canis familiaris – it is about them that will be discussed in this article, or rather, about the rarest breeds of our four-legged friends.

In total, a huge number of dog breeds have been bred by people or by nature itself – more than three hundred, and you will not find a single classification. If we take the general data of all federations and clubs, there are 376 dog breeds in the world. Some of them are very popular today, others were popular in the past. But there are some that you could only hear about if you were specifically interested in the rarest breeds of dogs.

Rare exotic dog breeds

At the moment, there are more than 400 dog breeds in the world. Most of them are widespread and not rare. Therefore, we present to your attention the most unusual dog breeds. Some of them live only in one point of the globe or have remained in numbers not exceeding a hundred in the whole world.

1. Chongqing

Rarest Dog Breeds

This species appeared over 2000 years ago in the province of the same name in China. It arose naturally and did not interbreed with other breeds; therefore, it retained its original external features and character.

For a long time, this dog was allowed to be owned only by representatives of the nobility, therefore this species was not widely spread outside China and does not have recognized FCI standards.

This dog is medium in size, up to 34 cm at the withers, weighs about 23 kg. The average life span of this breed is 15-20 years. Chongqing has a coat of medium length, mahogany or brown, less often there are individuals partially or completely devoid of wool. This feature makes these representatives ideal for breeders with allergies. The body is muscular, strong, rectangular in shape. Representatives of this breed are agile and agile. The eyes are set far apart and should match the color of the coat.

Chongqing dog is a calm, independent breed with boundless loyalty to its owner. These animals are distinguished by their courage; therefore, they are excellent watchmen. They are not aggressive in the family, they are tolerant of children’s games, but they can show aggression towards strangers. It is not recommended to keep in the apartment, but it is possible, subject to frequent and long walks.

The ideal maintenance option is a country house with a large adjacent territory that Chongqing can control. Representatives of this breed are quite clean and therefore require minimal care: bathing no more than once every 7 months, molting occurs unnoticed by the owners, provided that the animal lives in the adjacent yard area. Combing with a rubber brush no more than once or twice a month.

Nutrition for dogs should be based on a balanced diet. It can be dry food or a balanced menu that includes lean meat: chicken, beef, horse meat, offal (such as liver, lungs, heart), vegetables (such as carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin). It is worth giving fish and dairy products several times a week. Carefully introduce potatoes, corn, and beans into the diet.

2. Catalburun

Rarest Dog Breeds

Mostly common in Turkey and belong to hunting dogs. The highlight of this breed is the forked nose. They appeared in the ancient Ottoman province of Cilicia, where for several centuries they were used by local residents to hunt hares and other small animals.

Catalburun is a medium-sized dog with a harmoniously built muscular body. Height at the withers reaches 60 cm on average, the body weight of an adult animal is 14-25 kg. The dog has a medium-sized head, harmonious with the proportions of the body. The eyes are oval, medium in size, set wide apart. The ears are triangular in shape with rounded tips, soft, thin. The tail is set high. Often it is docked up to three-quarters of the length. The coat is smooth, short, piebald with brown or red patches.

This dog is highly mobile and energetic. He is hardy, balanced and disciplined, quiet, which is also a feature of this breed. The average life expectancy is about 10-13 years.

The dog is unpretentious and does not require special conditions of detention, the only condition is to provide this type of space for running and continuous movement.

The Catalburun Needs a balanced diet rich in meat and vegetables, or a complete dry diet.

3. Chinook

Rarest Dog Breeds

Perhaps the rarest in the world. At the peak of the population, there were no more than 300 individuals. And after the death of the founder of the breed, Arthur Alden, the population dropped to 28 individuals. Now active work is underway to restore the population of this breed, but unfortunately, there are very few of these dogs in the whole world. The homeland of this person’s friend is the United States.

Powerful, strong and resilient dogs adapt perfectly to different weather conditions. These sled dogs are capable of carrying loads and moving quickly. Height at withers is from 54 to 68 cm, weight reaches 42 kg. They have a characteristic golden-fawn color. Differs in loyalty, dedication and high level of intelligence. The body is muscular and athletic.

The Chinook has excellent hearing and developed sense of smell. Until the age of two, they remain playful like puppies.

They belong to the gregarious species, therefore, in the upbringing and training of dogs, it is important to show โ€œwho is the bossโ€. The dog has a thick fluffy coat; therefore, it requires frequent combing with a stiff brush, especially during the molting period. Since the pet is clean, you rarely need to bathe him. In winter, bathing a chinook is contraindicated, since the thick undercoat dries for a very long time, and the dog runs the risk of catching a cold.

Since the Chinook is a sled dog, it must receive intense physical activity, otherwise it risks losing its shape. The most vulnerable place in the body of Chinooks are the eyes and skin due to the occurrence of allergies in these places

4. Thai Ridgeback

Rarest Dog Breeds

It lives mainly in Thailand. Nothing is known about the history of the appearance of this breed. Archaeological excavations in Cambodia and Thailand prove that the history of the breed is 3-4 thousand years old. Due to the long isolation of Thailand, this species was registered by the FCI in 1993 under the number 338.

The species is distinguished by a short coat of a noble blue color. The size of the dog is medium, the body is strong, athletic. The wool cover of Thais is of 4 types: standard, short, velvet or velor and super velor (super short) 0.1 to 0.3 cm. There are also four colors: red, blue, isabella, black. Cables at the withers reach 61 centimeters, females 56 cm, weight up to 32 kg. The nose is large, the eyes are dark brown, the ears are large, high-set. On the muzzle there are strange wrinkles in the forehead area, which gives the animal an intelligent expression of the muzzle.

Thai Ridgebacks are emotionally attached to the owner and are famous for their high intelligence. They like to defend their territory, have a thick voice, but they rarely bark. Some breeders admit that they have never heard the voice of their furry friend. Due to its short coat, odorless, Ridgebacks are suitable for living quarters. They are clean, do not have strong salivation, and shed once a year. Soft hairs can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

This dog is affectionate, does not like loneliness. At home, Ridgebacks get along with other dogs and even cats. Puppies of this breed are very active, they love to run and play, and with age they become calmer, they are even lazy, they like to doze at the feet of the owner.

The disadvantages of this breed include a very pronounced hunting instinct, thanks to which a pet can chase a street cat or bird while walking.

The Thai Ridgeback is not picky about food, but being a rather large, mobile individual needs a diet that includes meat, cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat, boiled corn porridge plus vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, lettuce, beans. Dairy and fish should be given several times a week.

5. Norwegian Lundehund

Rarest Dog Breeds

Well, our editorial staff could not help but write about this unusual beauty, also known as a hunting husky. This man’s friend has one distinctive feature, but what a difference! There are six fingers on each foot of this animal. Based on the name, it becomes clear that this animal comes from Norway.

There is an assumption that the ancestors of this species appeared on the Lofoten Islands Rรถst and Verei back in the Ice Age. Based on the structure of the body and skeleton of the animal, scientists suggested that these furry friends descended from the extinct species Canis ferus.

Previously, these dogs were used to hunt puffins. These birds were the most valuable source of meat and down, but it was almost impossible for humans to get them, and the Lundehund coped with this task, and therefore were very much appreciated by the northern inhabitants. Due to the special structure of the paws, they can climb rocks.

In appearance, these are small dogs, very flexible and quirky. The Norwegian Lundehund can throw his head back so that his nose touches his back. It has an elongated muzzle and a square build, the joints of the forelimbs are very mobile, the eyes are of medium size, with a beautiful golden color. The ears are erect, triangular in shape with an unusual structure.

The animal is able to retract the ear cartilage in such a way that it tightly closes the ear canal. The coat is very dense with a soft undercoat. The hair covering the head and the front surface of the paws is short, and on the body itself is longer. Its color is predominantly white interspersed with other colors (red, brown).

The Norwegian Lundehund are extremely energetic and cheerful dogs. They are loyal, obedient, but at the same time, independent. Throughout their lives, these animals play with joy: they catch objects such as balls, plates and bring them to their owner.

With the food of these dogs, you need to be extremely careful, as they have a tendency to diseases of the digestive system. In feeding, it is better to use a balanced dry food or a carefully prepared diet that includes lean meats such as beef, lamb, poultry. It is better to exclude pork. To strengthen the skeleton of such a mobile animal, dairy products are needed at least twice a week. The use of boiled cereals with vegetables is also encouraged.

Whatever breed of dog you would not decide to have, it is worth remembering that each of them is beautiful and unique in its own way. In this article, we have considered far from all existing rare species of doggies, wait for further reviews on our portal.

6. Mudi

Rarest Dog Breeds

Mudiis a Hungarian herding dog, sometimes called Hungarian Shepherd Dogs. She is very energetic and does an excellent job of managing large herds. It is also used as an assistant for hunting big game, in rescue operations or for searching for drugs. Very smart and unpretentious. Despite its magnificent “fur coat” – it does not require careful maintenance.

This breed was known back in the Middle Ages and was highly valued for its shepherd and hunting qualities. During World War II, the mudi population declined significantly, but after that it was restored and even somewhat “improved”. Today it is practically not known outside the territory of Hungary, but in the USA and Canada there are clubs for lovers of these cute, intelligent and energetic animals.

7. Carolina dog

Rarest Dog Breeds

Another natural breed, also known as the American Dingo. Representatives of this breed were “discovered” only in the 70s of the last century in South Carolina by environmental scientist Ler Brisbin from the University of Georgia.

Scientists have not come to an unambiguous conclusion about the origin of this breed. An unusual discovery was that in terms of bone structure and some physiological characteristics, the Carolina dogs turned out to be the closest to the dogs of the late Neolithic.

This breed is not officially registered. Carolina dogs are not bred on purpose. Today, there are only a few hundred representatives of this species in the world. They live in small flocks, separate from humans. Some enthusiasts keep American dingos in captivity – they are very trainable and generally friendly towards humans.

8. Rare Otterhound

Rarest Dog Breeds

It is a breed that was artificially bred in Britain in the 19th century and is still rarely found outside of Foggy Albion. The ancestors of Otterhounds are Bloodhounds, a Belgian breed bred by clergymen in the 13th century or earlier.

Representatives of this breed are first-class hunters, hardy and with a very sensitive sense of smell. At the same time, due to their long hair and the structure of their paws, they perfectly hunt the inhabitants of water bodies – nutria and mink. They are quite large – the weight of males reaches 55 kg. They are in dire need of mobility, otherwise they quickly get fat with all the ensuing consequences.

In the world today there are no more than a thousand dogs of this breed. After hunting by choice was banned in Britain in 1978, the popularity of Otterhounds declined significantly and today, amateurs of this breed are making serious efforts to preserve it.

9. Stabyhoun

Rarest Dog Breeds

This is a Dutch breed of hunting dogs with a characteristic inherited skill – freezing in a characteristic stance, detecting game. Actually, the name of the breed is translated as โ€œstanding next toโ€.

Stabyhoun dogs are small, calm, extremely intelligent and affectionate dogs. They love children very much. They are excellent hunters of all kinds of pests; therefore, they are appreciated on the farm. At the same time, today it is a very rare breed – they can be found only in the Netherlands and, in very small quantities, in the countries of northern Europe.

10. Stumpy tail cattle dog

Rarest Dog Breeds

This breed is also known as the Australian Short-tailed Shepherd Dog and we could not help but include it in our list. In their veins runs the blood of Australian dingoes, English Smithfields and marbled smooth-haired collies. As a result, the representatives of the newly created breed received an amazing color, character and abilities.

The Australian Stumpy tail cattle dog is extremely hardy and intelligent – it is a versatile herding dog. They practically do not bark, and to control the animals they bite their hind limbs, after which they bend down, avoiding a return kick.

Today the breed has about four thousand individuals, but outside of Australia you practically will not find them. It’s all about the peculiarities of upbringing – the blood of the dingo makes healers distrustful and require particularly careful training, so breeders simply do not give dogs to lovers.

Representatives of all the breeds described above have several characteristic features in common: they are representatives of old breeds, in the past they performed important functions for humans, they require experience and skills in training. Moreover, they are not popularized through the media. So, for example, the adaptation of the story of Hachiko increased the popularity of the Akita Inu breed by about 100 thousand times. The situation is similar with the breeds of “pocket” dogs. We can only hope that the breeds described in this material will also gain popularity and will multiply, delighting their owners with intelligence, skills and independence.