Husky dogs are ones of the most popular dog breeds, but they have a peculiar character. These companions can be destructive, especially when the owner is not around. For this reason, many people want to have a dog with a similar appearance. In addition, unscrupulous breeders sometimes sell mestizos and representatives of other breeds under the guise of a Siberian husky, so it is important to be able to distinguish related breeds.
From this article you can find out which dog breeds are similar to the Siberian Husky and what they have in common. Get acquainted with the general characteristics of each of them, the characteristics of the character of the animals, their purpose, the rules of care and maintenance, as well as the advantages and disadvantages. You will also find out if they can live in a family with children, and how much they are trainable.
Dog Breeds that Look Like the Siberian Husky
Introducing the TOP 8 dog breeds that look like huskies. Among them are sled dogs, hunting dogs, guard dogs and companion dogs.
Alaskan Klee Kai

These dogs are often referred to as miniature siberian husky. In fact, it is: the ancestor of the genus was, presumably, a husky with a dwarf gene, which they decided to fix. However, there is controversy about the nature of the dogs. Most owners state that the Alaskan Klee Kai is a more balanced and calm breed. These pets are also very bad at loneliness, but less prone to escapes and destructive behavior. Unfortunately, this is a rare breed, so the average cost of puppies is 1300$โ2000$.
Alaskan Malamute

You can distinguish an Alaskan malamute from a husky simply by the look: the former look good-natured, and the latter more resemble naughty foxes. The main difference is eye color. Whereas in huskies they are usually blue, in malamutes they are always brown. Alaskan malamute dogs are more sturdy and hardy. Their coat is darker and harder. The tail is usually raised and slightly curled. Malamutes are slower, more restrained and calm, therefore they cause less problems, but you also need to deal with them and give them a splash of energy.
Saarloos wolfdog

The ancestors of the Saarloos wolfdog are German shepherds and wolves. This is an unusually intelligent companion who is strongly attached to the owners. However, high intelligence can also be called a minus: these dogs can try to dominate their owners, so they are not suitable for beginners. Due to their independence, breed representatives are often used as rescuers and guides.
Czechoslovakian wolfdog

The Czechoslovakian wolfdog is another cross between a German shepherd and a wolf. Another name for the breed is wolfdog. The color ranges from gray to reddish. Outwardly, the representatives of the breed really resemble wolves. The owners note that they are very loyal and friendly dogs, but they need proper socialization. Otherwise, “wild” habits take over.

The Samoyed looks less like a husky, but it looks like a snow-white wolf. Most of the breed boasts a lush white coat. However, it requires increased care, otherwise the wool may get lost in tangles. These are beautiful dogs, but they are not suitable for beginners due to their stubborn and wayward nature.
Tamaskan dog

The Tamaskan dog was bred in Finland. This is the result of crossing Malamute, Husky and German Shepherd. The result is family companions who love to play with other pets and children, but look like real wolves. These pets can be very large: their weight reaches 40โ45 kg.
Northern Inuit Dog

The Northern Inuit is a breed that has not yet been recognized by the ICF. Outwardly, this dog is a cross between a Samoyed husky, a husky and a wolf. There are even white Inuit. Unlike Samoyeds, they look less plush.

Utonagan is another cross between Malamute, Husky and German Shepherd, but fluffier. This breed was bred for street keeping. They are great guards. A powerful undercoat protects them from the cold.
It turns out that the husky has a lot of relatives who outwardly resemble him. These are dogs of different weight categories, colors and with a different character, so everyone can choose a companion. Fans of miniature pets will suit the Alaskan Klee-Kai, and those who prefer more powerful pets should pay attention to the “wolf” breeds.
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