Pets must be in everyoneโs life, scientists say. It is possible to enumerate the advantages of such a friendship for a very long time, but, unfortunately, some owners, having decided to buy a dog, are faced with allergies, and such a long-awaited new tenant is to blame for this, the solution is to look only for hypoallergenic dogs.
Let’s see what is the cause of allergies to dogs and whether there are hypoallergenic breeds that are suitable for allergy sufferers.
The coat is not always to blame
In allergies to dogs, it is customary to blame dog hair. But scientists decided to check the veracity of such information and after their research it turned out that this is not always the case. It turned out that in the saliva, excrement and even in the skin of the dog there are such proteins – proteins that can affect a person and cause allergies.
And in this situation, even the most hypoallergenic dog breeds that do not have hair will not save you from asthma attacks or other allergic reactions.
However, dog hair is a dangerous carrier of all kinds of allergens.
The benefits of short-haired dogs for allergy sufferers are obvious:
- Fewer insects will dwell in the hairline;
- Mud on wool is much easier to deal with;
- Remains of feces, pollen or down of plants are removed after walking faster, while reducing the risk of another attack.
Laboratory analysis will tell
There is an effective and fairly simple way to find out if you are allergic to dogs and what exactly? On wool, epithelium, etc. To do this, just pass an allergic test.
If an allergic reaction is present, but it is not so pronounced that it carries a danger or serious inconvenience to life, and the desire to have a dog is very high, we recommend that you look at the list of dog breeds that are least likely to cause allergies.
Hypoallergenic dogs. What breed to Choose ?
Doctors advise allergy sufferers, first of all, to pay attention to those breeds that are small in size. It is easier to care for them, and therefore the risk of allergic attacks is significantly reduced.
1. Chinese Crested Dog

In the first place in this rating is invariably a Chinese crested dog. This original, in most cases friendly pet, helps people suffering from allergies to fulfill the dream of having a dog in the house. It has a silky hairline in areas such as the head, tail and legs, so the time of molting passes almost imperceptibly. Chinese crested dogs have no smell. Although they are small, they know how to defend their territory, and most importantly, their owners.
2. Bichon Frise

Dogs of the Bichon Frise breed are no less popular among allergy sufferers. Their hair is curly and rather tough, not lazy, but the undercoat is soft, because the breed is distinguished by fluffy representatives.
Basically, they live with those owners who do not part with them, and in return pay them with devotion and friendly attitude. Bichon Frise is recommended by the American Kennel Club as a hypoallergenic dog breed.
3. Maltese

The appearance of the Maltese lapdog is emotion for many. Indeed, small, but with a sense of dignity, this baby is able to teach herself, while maintaining a regal become.
For allergy sufferers, it does not pose a threat, since its hair does not shed at all, but falls out only when combed. However, difficulties in caring for her will arise due to the length of the coat.
4. Poodle

Poodles are also a hypoallergenic dog breed for the same reason – they do not fade at all. Poodles are decorative breeds, but among them there are giants – these are royal poodles having up to 60 cm at the withers, and small ones – up to 30 cm.
There are toy poodles – very tiny ones who bark loudly and a lot. Poodles are extremely smart. Itโs easy to train them, as they begin to execute all the commands almost immediately, they like to play with children. So if you suffer from allergies – look at their variety of sizes and colors, perhaps this dog is for you.
Poodles are also recommended by the American Kennel Club as a hypoallergenic dog breed.
5. Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is noticeable among the congeners with its unsurpassed tuft, and the fact that it also almost does not cause allergies, although its coat is quite thick. He practically does not shed, and also his calm qualities and devotion to the owners can be attributed to his positive qualities.
6. Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry blue terrier is a dog large enough, weighing up to 18 kg. The advantages for allergy sufferers are that the representatives of this breed almost do not fade, although they have a thick, but very pleasant soft coat.
They do an excellent job with watchdog functions: this is a fairly strong and physically developed animal. They have the skills of hunters, therefore they can catch a mouse or a rat, but for the same reason it is not safe to keep other pets in the house.
7. Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel has a long thick coat with curls, but, despite this, allergy-prone people will not harm them, since they also do not fade. However, such vegetation should be carefully looked after, combing and cutting off excess hair.
There are many more breeds that are suitable for people who have experienced at least one episode of allergy attacks, for example, representatives of schnauzers, some wire-haired terriers, Mexican hairless, Flanders bouvier, etc.
About those dogs that can be classified as hypoallergenic breeds, one cannot categorically say that they do not cause allergies at all. They only very soften attacks. But all the same, particles of allergens adhering to the wool settle on the surfaces in the premises, so the apartment needs to be carefully cleaned, make sure that the wool does not accumulate under the furniture, in the corners.
Any dog โโcan produce allergens that become dangerous. Therefore, people prone to allergies should consult a doctor before deciding to bring a four-legged friend into the house.