Small dog breeds are a very popular type of pet. They do not require much space and can be taken with you anywhere. These cute, cuddly, miniature dogs bring tons of fun, but they require the same care and attention as large dogs. Small breeds of dogs are very active, they need a lot of exercise throughout the day. In cold weather they need to be worn, they tolerate cold worse compared to large dogs. If such difficulties are acceptable to you, then one of these cute small dogs may suit you.
If earlier large dogs were more popular, which helped a person to perform various work, then in the modern world interest in the smallest dog breeds is simply off scale. There are many new miniature breeds, both independent and those that are miniature copies of their “big brothers”.
What are the smallest dog breeds in the world?
List of the smallest dog breeds in the world.
1. Chihuahua

The smallest dog breed in the world and perhaps the most recognizable on our list is the Chihuahua. The Chihuahua breed is a favorite of many rich people, and they usually have a distinctive personality.
Chihuahua dogs are native of Chihuahua in Mexico. Weigh 1-3 kg and have a height of only 15-23 cm.
Despite their tiny growth, Chihuahuas are fearless and will protect the host from threats. Also, chihuahua is one of the most loving and gentle breeds of dogs, which makes them excellent companions.
2. Bichon Frise

The second number on our list is the popular Bichon Frise show dog.
Due to its tenderness and charm, Bichon Frise has become a favorite of French and Italian ladies. Bichon Frise translates as “curly lapdog.”
The height of the dog is 23-30 cm and weight is 3-5 kg.
Bichon Frise is a great breed of family dog. They are very loyal and devoted, playful, get along well with children and other pets.
3. Boston Terrier

Our third smallest dog breeds in the world is the Boston Terrier. Boston Terriers are small and compact with a short tail.
Weight 4-10 kg, height 35-42 cm.
They are said to be very smart and easy to learn, which makes them great companions. The Boston Terrier is a family dog โโand has a wonderful time with children. These dogs love to chew, so be sure to keep valuables out of the reach
4. French Bulldog

French Bulldog takes the fourth place in the rating. These dogs are playful, affectionate, loyal, and intelligent, which makes them wonderful companion dogs.
Weight 9-13 kg, height reaches 30 cm.
The French Bulldog is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world and is similar to the English and American Bulldogs.
5. Papillon

Papillon, the 5th in the smallest dog breeds list, is one of the oldest toy spaniels. These dogs were very much appreciated in the royal courts of France. From French, “papillon” means “butterfly.” Ears in the form of krill and the color on the dogโs forehead resemble a butterfly.
The growth of papillons reaches 20-28 cm, and weight 3-5 kg. They live up to 15-17 years.
An elegant dog, the papillon is smart and friendly with strangers and other animals.
6. Pomeranian

Pomeranian was bred in Germany in Pomerania, from where it got its name.
The height of the dog is 18-22 cm, weight 2-4 kg.
Pomeranian is an intelligent, funny, noisy, brave dog and also an excellent watchdog.
7. Pug

The 7th friendly and charismatic dog on our list is the pug.
Pugs weigh 5-8 kg, height 25-28 cm.
Pug is an active, loyal and playful dog, a good guard.
8. Shih Tzu

One of the smallest dog breeds in the world, Shih Tzu is one of the best family dog โโbreeds. The name translates as “mini lion.”
Weight 4-8 kg, height 20-28 cm.
Shih tzu get along well with other animals and are very friendly and sociable.
9. Toy poodle

The 9th little dog on our list is a toy poodle, a sensitive breed that can be very loyal to the owner.
Weight 3-4 kg, height 20-25 cm.
The Toy Poodle was originally bred as a water dog, and today it is a very obedient breed that was skilled in various dog sports, such as tracking and cattle breeding.
10. Yorkshire Terrier

Closes the rating of the smallest dog breeds Yorkshire Terrier. Not only is the Yorkshire Terrier one of the smallest dog breeds in the world, it is also one of the cutest.
Weigh up to 3.2 kg, height up to 23 cm.
Ideal for home where he will be the only dog. Yorkies are reliable, caring, smart, fearless and excellent watchdogs.