Dog ‘Fakes Own Death’ In Dramatic Reaction To Shorter Walk

dramatic dog protest shorter walk

This dramatic dog named Begbie fakes his own death when he wasn’t taken on his favorite walking route, causing workers to rush to his aid in Crieff, Perth and Kinross, Scotland.

Begbie, 4, usually falls to the ground and freezes when he realizes he’s going to be taken around the block instead of through the woods, said Michele Bilsland, his dog walker.

Michele is used to tantrums from this dog, but strangers are often alarmed.

Dramatic dog pretends to die when not taken on his favorite route

dramatic dog protest shorter walk

She said two workers jumped out of their truck to help after seeing the “dead” English bulldog.

The dog fell to the ground as Michele turned left instead of right as Begbie had planned, cutting the walk short due to bad weather.

Immediately, Begbie refused to budge and even turned her head “in disgust” when she failed.

dramatic dog protest shorter walk

Begbie’s melodramatic act was so compelling that even two workers passing by stopped by to see if they could help, according to the Daily Mail.

Michele said:

“When he doesn’t go where he wants, he drops to the ground and then doesn’t move and turns his head in disgust. He had done it seconds before the guys in the truck came out that way.”

dramatic dog protest shorter walk

“Begbie was on the floor and her head was turned away, they thought she was dead because of me. I told them he was fine and he was just throwing a tantrum, that he was in a bad mood and that’s why he wasn’t moving because he was “dead”.

The protest lasted a minute before Begbie got up and continued walking.

dramatic dog protest shorter walk

Michele said she’s used to Begbie’s behavior when they go out for a walk, so she doesn’t drag him around when he decides to play dead.

She said :

“I’m used to it now, so I know not to hang around. After about a minute it gets up on its own, but it does the same again a bit later.”

dramatic dog protest shorter walk

Michele says Begbie is a lovely and energetic dog. With such a charming and unique side, I can’t be frustrated with him.

“His favorite walk is about an hour and despite his build, when out with Labradors and Spaniels, she always tries to keep up. He loves hiking and being in the countryside and won’t go back to the truck once the hike complete.โ€

dramatic dog protest shorter walk

Michele started walking with Begbie just three months ago and was shocked when she threw her first tantrum in front of her.

She said :

“When I started walking with him three months ago I didn’t know I had this problem and I was in the middle of nowhere. He knew we were on our way back to the van and he just stood there, refusing to leave the field.”

dramatic dog protest shorter walk

Begbie’s parents, Roz Niblock and Matt Kennedy, say their dog has a big personality.

roza said:

“He knows what he likes and throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get what he wants.”

Images: Kennedy News And Media

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