The English Bulldog has a short, stocky body, and relatively loose skin, especially on the head, neck and shoulder blades.
In the homeland, the English Bulldog was nicknamed the nanny dog. This nickname is well deserved, since it is difficult to find a more careful and caring attitude of an animal to a child. One of the features of the English Bulldog breed is the ability to endure even the most severe pain.

English Bulldog photos
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Physical characteristics
The English bulldog is a medium -sized dog. It is with smooth hair, strongly built and stocky. The head is clearly large, massive, its circumference is equal to the height of the dog at the withers. A characteristic line of bulldogs is a short and wide muzzle with the same wide and wide nose.
The height at the withers depends on the sex. In males, it’s 36-41 cm, in females-30-36 cm. The males have more weight, it’s 20-25 kg. The female dogs weigh between 16 and 20 kg.

Distinctive features
- Head: Very large in relation to the size of the dog, but never large enough to disturb the general symmetry. The front part is short, the muzzle is wide, blunt and curved upwards.
- Body: Short, strongly built, but without tendency to be bulky.
- Limbs: strong, muscular, strong. The rear is tall and strong, but a bit lighter compared to the heavy front.
- Skull: Broad in circumference. Seen from the front, very high from the angle of the lower jaw to the top of the skull. Also very wide and square.
- Front: Seen from the front, its components should be balanced, i.e. symmetrical around an imaginary center line.
- Nose: The nose and nostrils are large, large, black, without any trace of liver, red or brown, deep set between the eyes.
- The nostrils are large, wide and open, with a distinct vertical groove between them.
- Muzzle: Short, broad, curved upwards and very high from the corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth. The nasal crease should not affect the profile line.
Character and behavior
The English bulldog is a dog determined, strong, alert, courageous and faithful. According to the breed standard, it must also be an active animal, but adult bulldogs are generally calm. This dog requires a lot of attention and is not an animal that should be left alone for long periods.
It has strong ties to its human family and it is difficult (though not impossible) to change ownership. Its fierce appearance usually gives a false impression. These dogs are generally affectionate, calm and quiet, although they are as stubborn when they want something. They are generally very patient with children and make excellent pets, but they are not very active dogs.
In general
The English Bulldog prefers to lie on the sofa in a warm place than to walk or run day and day on the street
The English Bulldog is so attached to the owner that he simply will not survive the change of family. So if you’ve already decided to buy a bulldog, be prepared to be with him from start to finish.
The English Bulldog gets along well with children and other pets, but you still need the help of a handler to socialize the animal.
The English bulldog must literally be forced to walk and move to avoid becoming obese
The English bulldog is a calm and somewhat inhibited dog. He needs a few seconds to figure something out. So don’t be surprised if the dog doesn’t immediately respond to your invitation “to eat”
The English bulldog breed is suitable for those who will devote most of their time to a pet, who likes to walk quietly on the street. If you lead an active lifestyle, often stay late at work, do not like noise – this is not your race.
It is especially hard for the owners of the English Bulldog during the period of his growth and the formation of his bones, the whole body.
All because of the unusual appearance of the dog. A short, flat muzzle leads to snoring during sleep, to problems with the cardiovascular system, the English bulldog cannot tolerate heavy physical activity. Also, there are often problems with the musculoskeletal system.
For inexperienced owners of an English Bulldog, we provide a list of diseases that are most often found in representatives of this breed:
- Obesity – Bulldogs have slow metabolism and weak joints. Because of this, obesity is doubly dangerous for them.
- Allergy – The first step in suspecting an allergic reaction from a dog owner is to determine the cause of the allergy. The next step is to eliminate it. For English Bulldogs, this can be pollen, foods, grasses or other plants. If it is not possible to completely isolate the animal from the source of the allergy, it is necessary to use medications that the veterinarian will prescribe.
- Diseases of the eyes – entropion, cherry eye, cataract, keratoconjunctivitis in the absence of treatment and surgery, the dog may lose sight.
- Distichiasis is a disease accompanied by abnormal growth of eyelashes at the edges of the eyelids.
- Heatstroke.
- Hypothyroidism is the most common metabolic disorder in dogs.
- Deafness – may be acquired deafness associated with ear inflammation, tumors, trauma, poisoning, etc. Also, English Bulldogs have a tendency to develop congenital deafness.
- Dermatitis of the skin is sweet – arises from the pressure and movements of their curved tail on the skin of the anal region, as well as maceration.
- Difficult puppy birth – in many cases a caesarean section is required.
- Lymphosarcoma is a malignant tumor, the structural substrate of which is the cellular elements of the lymphoid series, characterized by damage to the lymph nodes.
- Cardiovascular diseases.
- Demodecosis is a parasitic disease. Caused by microscopic mites that feed on the skin and loose fiber.
- Dysplasia – joint damage accompanied by lameness, severe pain and, if untreated, immobilization.
Life expectancy
With appropriate care and diet, Bulldogs can live from 10 to 12 years.
The English Bulldog dog breed has a short coat and should be brushed once a week. Always make sure your pet’s ears and eyes are clean and trim its claws in time – this is done about 3 times a month.
Bathe your dog once or twice a week. Also remember that the English Bulldog has many wrinkles that must be wiped from time to time with a damp cloth at the appropriate pH, which does not dry out the skin. Thus, you will eliminate harmful bacteria and prevent various irritations from developing.
Also keep in mind that the English Bulldog is very sensitive to overheating and cold – do not let the dog stay in the sun for a long time and overheat, and wear overalls for a walk in winter.
Another problem is overeating and obesity. Watch his diet so that your pet does not turn into a kind of bedside table.
You will not win an Agility Championship with your English bulldog unless only dogs of this breed are in competition. However, this dog needs daily walks to exercise and socialize with people and other dogs. On the other hand, the English bulldog is not a dog to live in the garden. It does not stand up well to climatic variations, so it must live inside the house.
Fun facts
- It is one of the few breeds of dogs that do not have good swimming skills and do not like water. They cannot float alone due to the size of their heads, so it is likely that a specimen of English Bulldog falls like a stone in water. Whenever this dog swims in places with a little depth, he must be constantly monitored to avoid drowning.
- The English Bulldog usually needs help to give birth, and the vast majority of puppies are born by cesarean section because of the size of their heads, too large to be born by natural birth.
- The English Bulldog is the penultimate on the list of canine intelligence prepared by Stanley Coren, which means that it is more difficult for him to understand the orders and to respect them at first. He does not learn a large number of orders, and prefers to lie down without doing anything other than training.
- This bulldog served as the basis for many other breeds we know today, including the French bulldog, the boxer, the bull terrier, the bullmastiff or the Boston terrier. They all have certain common characteristics which are due to the participation of this breed in their creation.
History of the breed
The English Bulldog is descended from the legendary Tibetan Great Danes, which today are considered the ancestors of all modern guard dogs. They were distinguished by their huge size, as well as their ability to defeat any enemy, it does not matter – an animal or a person. He was bred and carefully guarded by the inhabitants of the plateaus, and then brought to other eastern regions, from where various types of guard dogs appeared.
From the 14th to the 19th century, the English Bulldog was a fighting dog that fought bears, lions, donkeys, lynxes, monkeys, other animals and even humans. After such entertainment was banned, the breed began to face extinction. Individuals of that time could not be watchdogs, as they were distinguished by physical strength and anger. It was believed that only criminals could have English Bulldog puppies. But a small number of connoisseurs of this breed continued to breed them completely selflessly and were able to save for the descendants of dogs in which many wonderful qualities are concentrated.
Today this breed is in great demand – English Bulldogs are reliable companions, they are very beautiful and snore well.