Vet Reveals How Dogs Feel Before They Die and Her Story Causes Social Media Sensation

For many people, the death of a beloved pet is one of life’s most stressful experiences. However, we must not forget that animals also have feelings, so in this unpleasant moment we must not leave them alone. Before falling asleep, dogs do one thing: they look for their owner.

Seeing an animal die is a very emotional and sad moment. It is precisely for this reason that many people decide not to accompany their animals during euthanasia โ€“ necessary in many cases.

Twitter user Jessi Dietrich thought about the question after asking a veterinarian what the hardest part of her job was and receiving a heartbreaking response.

how dogs feel before they die

Jessi posted on social media:

โ€œI asked my vet what the hardest part of his job was and he told me that when I had to euthanize an animal, 90% of the owners didn’t want to be in the room during the injection. The animal’s final moments tend to be frantic and they look around to find their owners,โ€ he revealed.

According to the veterinarian, animals are aware of the context and realize when their owners make the decision to end their suffering. At this time, animals feel vulnerable and it is best to always be by their side to reassure them and say goodbye.

โ€œAnd for this reason, I will literally hug my dog when his time comes, with all his favorite toys,โ€ assured the dog owner.

The story became a hit on the Internet and was shared and commented on thousands of times. After the fallout, Jessi explained that she didn’t want to make anyone feel bad, but was instead trying to raise awareness about how important it is for an animal to have companionship in the final moments of their life.

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