Should you compliment your dog? They showed how their faces change after kind words, there is no doubt about it

Every dog owner talks to their pet sometimes. Scientists have proven that dogs understand much more than many people think. It turns out that praising your dog is especially important for his well-being. These animals love hearing words that they associate with positive messages.

Scientists have no doubt about it. Dogs understand human speech

Everyone knows that a dog can be successfully taught many tricks. This is one of the irrefutable proofs that these animals are capable of learning the meaning of words spoken by humans. It is estimated that each individual is capable of understanding up to 200 sentences.

However, it turns out that dogs understand a lot more than many people think. Hungarian scientists have proven that this species loves to hear praise.

Specialists have shown that individuals who hear phrases associated with praise from their owners, such as “good dog” or “well done”, show increased activity in the left cerebral hemisphere. This is where the area responsible for the feeling of happiness and pleasure is located.

It’s not just what you say that matters, but how you say it

Additionally, it should be emphasized that dogs are very attentive observers. They can also draw logical conclusions from various situations. Therefore, you will give the greatest pleasure to your pet if you say kind words in a gentle and friendly manner.

On the other hand, nervously praising your pet can embarrass them. No wonder: receiving mixed messages is the first step to ruining the relationship. Until now, it was thought that this problem primarily concerned interpersonal relationships. However, it turns out that dogs are also very good at picking up on nervousness, tension or frustration, even if you try to avoid emotional outbursts towards your pet at all costs.

Be careful what you say to your dog!

Remember that dogs learn very quickly. Therefore, if you often use a specific phrase in a certain situation, the dog will quickly understand what it means. Many dogs perfectly understand the meaning of the word โ€œwalkโ€. Therefore, you should not say it in front of your pet unless you are going for a walk with him. This way you risk losing your pet’s trust.

Maybe your dog has a habit of running away and not responding when called. If so, think about how you will encourage him to come back to you. If your pet associates the phrase “come at me” with a nervous atmosphere or even punishment, it’s no wonder he doesn’t want to do what you expect of him.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to what you say to your dog, but also to how you speak to him. This can have a significant impact on your relationship and daily life.

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