The pit bull is probably the most underrepresented dog breed there is. People generally think that pit bulls are hyperaggressive pooches who attack people without the slightest provocation and have the capacity to mutilate them to death, dogs that are only good at engaging in dog fights. This image of the pit bull is far from exact; they are much criticized by the general public.
The pit bull is actually very different from the way it is often depicted. Of course, he looks strong and scary, being muscular and chunky for his size, with his barrel-shaped chest and brick-shaped head, thick neck and strong jaws. Pit bulls, however, are very sociable and affectionate dogs, especially if they are properly trained. Pit bull lovers appreciate these dogs not only for their strength and courage, but also for their caring and protective nature.
With proper training and socialization, the pit bull can be the sweetest dog. His affectionate and caring nature makes him a perfect companion and roommate. And because it has a high tolerance for pain and rough play, the pit bull can be a good playmate for small children.
If the pit bull is so big, how come there are stories of attacks on other dogs and other people? While there are stories of pit bulls aggressive enough to harm animals and people, these incidents are actually rare. More often than not, the media simply blew up the story or did not give the facts. There are times when the dog involved is not at all a pit bull and only looks like one.
A pit bull that shows aggression towards other dogs and other animals is a dog that has not been properly socialized. A pit bull that attacks people is a dog that has been mistreated to the point that it has become mentally unstable. When a pit bull, or any other dog for that matter, goes mad, it is the fault of the human owner, and not of the dog himself.
It is true, however, that not everyone can own a pit bull for a pet. To be the master of a pit bull, you have to be ready to take on the demanding responsibilities of owning such a pet. To be the master of a pit bull, you have to be a person really capable of loving one. If you’re looking to own a pit bull just because you want to impress people, forget it. You will only end up doing the dog a huge disservice.
A pit bull is an athletic dog that requires a lot of exercise. It would be great if you had a large yard where he could run as he pleased. However, if you live in an apartment, it is still okay to own a pit bull if you really want it, as long as you take it for long walks every day. Long walks with your pit bull would also be good for your health.
You must have your home or property secured and fenced if you decide to own a pit bull. Pit bulls can be voluntary and mischievous; he will try to jump the fence or slip through the door if he can. In addition, if you have a malicious neighbor who has an irrational fear of pit bulls, securing your home or property will prevent your dog from being injured by your neighbors or being robbed.
Caring for a pit bull can be quite expensive. Before getting a pit bull, make sure you can afford its maintenance. You will need to give him suitable dog food, adjust him with a good leash and a good collar, take him to the vet for regular checkups, feed him with heartworm medication from time to time, build a niche for him, and stuff like that. Dog food alone can cost around € 800 a year. If you don’t have a lot of money to set aside to care for a pit bull, put your plan aside for a while until you can afford one.
The pit bull should also be trained and well formed. Training a dog takes its entire life, not just in the early years. A pit bull should also be checked all the time, simply because other people are afraid of these dogs. If you do not exercise proper control over your pit bull, you could end up with it removed. It is a heartbreaking experience that you would not want to have.
Last but not least, you must love your pit bull. Pit bulls are very caring and loving dogs who are very loyal to their owners. If you love your pit bull, he will love you too.
9 facts everyone should know about pit bulls
- Pit Bull Terriers are widely used as therapy dogs. They are excellent at both visiting nursing homes and working with people with PTSD. Pit Bull Terriers are rated by outstanding therapy dogs.
- Pit bulls are used in search and rescue operations. The most famous in all of America are Chris Crawford and her dogs. Chris and her dogs have helped save many lives.
- Pit bulls search for drugs and explosives.
- Pit Bull Terriers get along well with children. They would not be called “nanny dogs” if this were not true.
- The American Pit Bull Terrier is not aggressive towards humans. This is one of the breed characteristics. They are gentle and loving dogs. But as with any dog, some individuals may be insecure or have behavioral problems.
- The pitbull was so popular in the early 20th century that it became America’s mascot not only in World War I, but also in World War II. Their images appeared on recruiting posters during this time period.
- Sergeant Stubby. Pitbull is a war hero. He was wounded twice in action; he saved his entire platoon with a poison gas warning and he single-handedly captured a German spy.
- Pit bulls pass the American Temperament Test (TT) 83.4% of the time. This result is better than that of the popular border collie (dogs of this breed cope in 79.6% of cases).
- It’s just a dog, not a killing machine.