Fig Is So Small That She Cannot Live Like Other Cats. Despite This, People Loved Her And She Became A Star

Fig cat small become a star

Katie Stocks, from Bristol, decided to adopt two cats last year. After the first meeting, the woman was convinced that she wanted to take in abandoned siblings – Fig and Dante. However, she had to wait a few weeks for the kittens to be released, they were too small to move to a new home. Everything was settled, finalizing the adoption was only a matter of time. After a while, it turned out that this adoption would not be so easy.

She had planned to adopt two ordinary kittens

Katie dreamed of taking care of two young cats. It didn’t even occur to him that one of them might turn out to be a pet, very different from other cats.

Staff at the shelter where the siblings were supposed to grow up before moving to their final home worried about Fig’s growth rate. She was extremely small for her age, while her brother showed no abnormalities.

The kitten was taken to the vet, who confirmed the shelter staff’s assumptions. Fig suffered from dwarfism. This meant that he would never reach standard body size. In addition, his bone development may have been severely affected. As if that were not enough, dwarf individuals live much shorter than animals without this disorder. Fig can only count on six to eight years.

The future of the siblings, which seemed already planned, was uncertain. Few people decide to adopt pets with disorders. However, Katie did not change her decision. As agreed, a few weeks earlier, she took Fig and Dante under her roof.

Fig cat small become a star

Fig’s unusual condition requires unusual solutions

When Katie decided to adopt an unusual duo, she knew it would be a tall order.

Fig, due to her height, was unable to follow her brother wherever she wanted. Therefore, her guardian had to install many structures in the house, thanks to which the cat could climb on sofas, window sills and other places that cats love.

Moreover, dwarfism not only affects one’s appearance. Due to the abnormal development, the cat has many health problems. She suffers the most when she moves. His joints have developed poorly, causing adjacent bones to rub against each other. He also has spinal and chest problems.

Fig suffered a lot for a while. She spent most of her time curled up in her hiding place. She didn’t even go out for meals. Fortunately, after a thorough diagnosis, it was possible to determine what could help her. Now the cat regularly takes medication, thanks to which it can function normally and enjoy life.

Katie knows her parish is special. That’s why she decided to create her Instagram profile, where she shows what her daily life looks like.

Netizens are thrilled, but Fig bosses warn against a hasty decision

Fig’s social media is very popular. figgypuddin_ has over 174,000 subscribers. You can read a lot of comments under each photo and video. Most of them limit themselves to admiration for the appearance of this tiny creature.

However, many people, fascinated by the story of the Fig Tree, express their desire to seek out their own dwarf cat.

Katie warns everyone against making hasty decisions. He regularly reminds that Fig, despite his cute appearance, is a very demanding cat. His state of health requires regular checks. If you feel unwell, an immediate response is required. All this costs money, and not everyone who dreams of an unusual pet takes this into account.

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