England: Anyone Who Feeds Their Dog Meatless Should Expect Heavy Penalties

fine vegetarian dog diet

Anyone who feeds their dog meatless now faces a heavy fine in England. By law, animals must be given “adequate” food and are not allowed to be fed vegetarian food.

For us humans, the vegetarian diet has long become a popular way of life. However, feeding your four-legged friend without meat is a pretty new trend. In England there is now a hefty penalty for anyone who should try.

The law regulates the health of dogs

The benefits of a low meat diet are now known. In addition to environmental aspects, reducing meat in daily meals can also have many health benefits for humans. But is this also the case with dogs?

Out of belief in their own lifestyle, some dog owners try to feed their four-legged friends who are also vegetarians or even vegans. In England, a law has regulated the feeding of dogs since 2006. The “Animal Protection Act” stipulates that owners must give their animals “appropriate” food. A companion’s vegetarian diet is not allowed and is punishable by a fine of up to £ 20,000 – $ 26.731

Feeding dogs, a vegetarian diet? Is it possible?

In general, a vegetarian diet is possible for dogs, explains Daniella Dos Santos of the British Veterinary Association to the online portal “LADbible“. As a dog owner, however, you need to be very well informed if you want to give your pet a purely vegetarian diet. It’s easy to make mistakes as dogs lose out on health, according to the vet. So that owners are not mistaken in the first place and to spare the dogs potential suffering, feeding of animals has been regulated by law in England.

Dogs have a different digestive system

While cats cannot live long term without meat, dogs are generally breed dependent. As a result, some dogs have digestive problems with a diet that is too high in fiber. Because dogs have short intestines. With a vegetarian diet, it takes them longer than with meat to absorb all the important nutrients. As a result, they should eat more fruits, vegetables, and the like to make up the difference. In addition, then you will have to pay attention to a smooth change and a particularly balanced diet for your four-legged friends.

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