While renovating his house, a kind-hearted person heard what sounded like the cry of a cat in desperate need of help coming from his garden. Upon investigation, they found a small kitten crying loudly and another a few yards away, near the edge of some bushes.
The mother of the kittens found in this home never returned, so they were brought to Nashville Cat Rescue. There they were bottle-fed and received round-the-clock care from shelter volunteers.
Rescue center volunteers Becca and Nathan told Love Meow:
โThey were dirty and covered in fleas and dirt. It took a lot of baths to get them clean.โ
Kittens found crying for help are rescued

Squeak and Adele, or the Snowballs as their caretakers at the Rescue Center affectionately called them, needed a foster home, so Becca and Nathan brought them home and treated them as their own. From the moment they met their adoptive parents, the little cats snuggled up to them for warmth and security.
The kittens discovered the comfort of Nathan’s lap one day and decided it would be the perfect place to take a nap. When Becca entered the room, she found the kittens curled up asleep on top of him, it was a really sweet scene.
Rescuers said:
โBoth kittens are small for their age and love to suckle from sheets and our hands, a symptom of not having a mother kitten to nurse when they are babies. Otherwise, they are in great shape and love other cats and anyone that they encounter.โ

They both love attention, and when they feel cuddled, they let their favorite people know by serenading them with perfectly timed meows. They both make adorable squeaky crying noises. Squeak has blue eyes and adores his mother, while Adele has a soft spot for her father.
Kittens are perhaps the most affectionate creatures in the house. They climb on any available tower and take a nap. They seem to do everything together, often enjoying running around, playing with toys, demanding attention, and snuggling up to their people.

The couple quickly became friends with their new home’s resident cat, Phil, and often sought out a little affection from him.
Becca and Nathan say:
“Squeak likes to wrap himself in the blanket, chair, or lap he’s sitting on. Adele prefers to curl up in a ball for naps. They’re the perfect best friends and playmates, but also brave enough to explore by themselves.”

It’s amazing how much these two snowballs have grown since they were found alone in a garden. They’ve always had each other’s company, and now they’ll never be short of warm laps to sit on.
Images: Instagram / fosterkittens_tn
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