French Bulldog | Dog Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

French Bulldog

One of the most popular breeds is the French Bulldog. These, at first glance, clumsy dogs can be found on city streets and in the countryside.

The French Bulldog is easy to recognize by its large bat ears. Small dog with a flat face, it has a short and shiny coat which can be brindle, quail or fawn.


The Main Differences Between French Bulldog And Boston Terrier

French Bulldog photos

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Physical characteristics

The French bulldog is easily recognizable thanks to its large and wide ears reminiscent of bat wings. It is a small dog with a flat muzzle. The coat is short, shiny, striped, piebald or beige. The height of a male is 27-34 cm, the weight is 9-14 kg. For females. The weight is 8-13 kg with a height at the withers of 24-32 cm.


Distinctive features

  • Head: The head is large, covered with wrinkles and folds. The back of the head is expressionless. The judgment is pronounced. Between the eyebrows, a furrow characteristic of the breed. The bones of the nose and upper jaw are shortened. The muzzle has a characteristic extended lobe.
  • Jaw: The teeth are well developed. The lower jaw protrudes forward.
  • Ears: The ears are medium in size and round in shape. The base is wider.
  • Eyes: The eyes are large, rounded. Eye color is dark.
  • Body: The chest is cylindrical, deep. The belly is turned up. The back is strong. The French Bulldog has a characteristic elevation from the withers to the hind legs.
  • Limbs: The front legs have characteristic short forearms. The hindquarters are better developed, strongly muscled. The paws are rounded, like a cat.
  • Coat: The hair is short, only 1-2 cm, there is no undercoat. Color: red, fawn, brindle. All colors can have a dark mask. Slight white marks allowed.

Character and behavior

The temperament of the French bulldog perfectly matches that of companion dogs. These dogs are friendly, playful, very sociable and kind. You can say they are the perfect dogs.

This breed doesn’t tend to be very problematic, but due to their great need for companionship, they can develop some separation anxiety. This means that the French Bulldog can become a destructive dog if left alone for long periods of time. This is not a dog to be left alone in a bedroom, patio or garden.

With children

French Bulldogs get along well with children, they like to play together, within reason, of course. To avoid trouble, it is better to watch the game of children under 8 years old.

With other animals

With cats and other dogs, dogs normally live together, show no hostility, but do not allow each other to be offended. They are especially peaceful around the pets they grew up with. But when new animals appear in the house, they may initially be jealous, although this will pass over time.


It is also worth knowing about the diseases characteristic of the French Bulldog:

  • Food Allergy – Affects the digestive system. The main symptoms of allergies are bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting. The dog becomes lethargic.
  • Hypotrichosis – characterized by hair loss.
  • Entropion is a twist of the eyelid, requires surgical intervention.
  • Interdigital dermatitis – the claw and paw pads become inflamed.
  • Dermatitis of the skin fold on the face – appears due to the accumulation of moisture inside the fold.
  • Difficult childbirth – because of the large head, puppies in most cases cannot get out on their own. As a result, a cesarean section is required.
  • Urolithiasis – a genetic predisposition caused by urates, can manifest itself in a pet as early as one year of age.

Life expectancy

When properly kept and well cared for, French Bulldogs live 10-12 years.


The French Bulldog needs to be brushed once a week with a soft brush. Their ears should be cleaned two to three times a week, but be aware that this part of their body is very sensitive.

The eyes are usually cleaned of deposits after sleep every day, a dog is bathed once or twice a week or more often if he sleeps with you in the same bed.

Always use a shampoo that does not dry out your skin. Also be sure to wipe the skin between the folds with a damp cloth (but such that, again, it does not dry out the skin), to avoid irritation and infection, especially in the summer. Nails should be trimmed about 3 times a month.


Because of its flat nose, the French bulldog does not tolerate hot climates well. It is not good either to allow it or to force it to do intense exercises, because it can easily suffer a thermal shock.


Exercise requirements are low for the French bulldog. Although it is a very playful dog, it gets tired quickly and can do most of the physical exercises indoors. Even in this case, it is advisable to plan a moderate daily walk to stimulate your mind and allow it to socialize, while offering moments of play little intense.


He’s not a good swimmer so it’s important to watch it permanently if there are swimming pools, lakes or bodies of water nearby. French bulldogs usually have trouble swimming because their heads are very heavy compared to the rest of their body and they can easily drown.

Fun facts

  • The French Bulldog breed is the second most popular dog breed in Los Angeles and New York.
  • French bulldogs are not very good swimmers, so care should always be taken when they are near water.
  • It is fairly well established that one of the ancestors of the French Bulldog, not surprisingly, is the English Bulldog.
  • Some puppies, from purebred parents, can cost around $4,000.

History of the breed

For a long time, the history of the origin of the French Bulldog breed remained in question. A whole battle broke out around the question of which country is the homeland of these dogs. Naturally, France and England were arguing among themselves. French dog breeders argued that the breed arose as a result of crossing the English Bulldogs with the now extinct Spanish Bulldogs. The British had their own version on this score, they argued that the French Bulldogs appeared thanks to breeders who worked hard on the genetic fund of toy bulldogs. As a result, the breed was proclaimed a native of England, but its name stuck – French Bulldog.

Interestingly, the popularity of this breed began to gain momentum thanks to the French ladies of easy virtue. If from the very beginning, the first owners of dogs were simple shopkeepers who traded on the streets of the suburbs. Then they became the favorites of the priestesses of love. Naturally, miniature dogs were noticed by creative personalities (artists, poets …). These people have always been closely associated with high society. No wonder that the French Bulldog soon took the place of a pet in the aristocratic world.

As a result, they began to be considered an elite breed. A purebred dog with an excellent pedigree was the price equal to a car or an apartment. Among the owners were well-known politicians, artists, millionaires and even gangsters.

Today, the French bulldog is a dog known almost everywhere in the world and very appreciated as a pet and companion. It can also be found in dog shows around the world, and some serve as therapy dogs.

The French Bulldog is often confused with Boston Terrier dog by many people, but in fact there are significant differences between the two dog breeds, both in appearance and character.


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