Cats And Dogs Are Adopted On Tinder: The Initiative Succeeds

Germany cats dogs adopted Tinder

How to choose your pet? In Germany, this can be done via… Tinder, the famous dating application (between humans) that connects people according to their location and their interests. It is a German animal shelter which invented this new formula of “selection”, which tries to motivate and encourage the adoption of abandoned cats and dogs with this very particular method. The campaign is aimed in particular at singles, but it is obviously open to anyone wishing to welcome a four-legged friend.

The initiative

The Munich Animal Welfare Association took professional photos of 15 cats and dogs and then posted them on Tinder. According to one of the shelter volunteers, there are already many people who want to organize their “first date” on all fours via the app: “The response is incredible, it is exploding everywhere”.

Even Tinder’s senior management are happy to be able to lend a hand in the animal adoption awareness campaign. “We hope that these animals will really find a new partner, in the long term and not just for a few weeks. There are not only lonely souls among humans, but there are also many lonely souls among animals, ”the words of Tinder’s communications coordinator. Fortunately, after the first wave of Coronavirus there has been an increase in animal adoptions all over the place, a trend that we obviously hope to continue.

“It’s a lot of fun, much better than boring newspaper ads,” says Jillian Moss, manager of the shelter.

Now, on the dating platform, you will not find newborn puppies or kittens: all animals that apply as candidates to find a new home are adult animals, but they are still capable of providing joy and love. unconditional to their owners.

The people responsible for composing the profiles of these candidates to find the love of a new human family have been the professionals of the advertising agency Agency Territory, who argue that an attractive profile is the key to the success of the initiative. .

“The answer is crazy, it is all the rage everywhere”, insists Moss, who assures that there are already several people who, after having made a “match”, are impatient to have this “first date” with the animals .

The initiative comes after the protector saw an increase in animal abandonment in the area after the lockdown period, after adoptions soared at the start of the pandemic. With the return to the “new normal” and the usual routine, many animals saw how much they would no longer be “needed” and found themselves abandoned again in the various animal shelters.

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