Golden Retriever Common Health Problems

Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever

There are many common health issues that your Golden Retriever will encounter from time to time. Most of these ailments are not serious, provided you know how to treat and prevent them. Below, weโ€™ll take a look at the most common illnesses and explain how to prevent your Golden from contracting them.

Virus Distemper

Distemper virus is an airborne disease that presents a high risk. This virus can be prevented by getting your various Golden 3 vaccines when they are 6 to 16 weeks old, as well as their regular annual booster. Symptoms of this virus include fever, cough, diarrhea and vomiting. If your Golden Retriever has these symptoms, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian.


Heartworms are among the most common illnesses in all breeds of dogs. They can reach lengths of up to 12 inches in the heart and pulmonary arteries, resulting in heart failure, reduced blood circulation and even death in some cases. Symptoms of heartworms may not appear until it’s too late, so it’s best to prevent them with the right heartworm medicines.


During the summer months or hot days, your Golden Retriever can get heatstroke. You can prevent this from happening by giving your dog lots of water and never leaving it in direct sunlight. If you are playing together on a hot day, you should give him enough time to rest so that he does not overdo it. Symptoms indicative of heatstroke include a lot of breath or drooling, dark gums, an icy expression, a rapid pulse and even vomiting. If your dog begins to have any of these symptoms, you should immediately take him to the veterinarian.


Rabies is one of the most serious illnesses your Golden Retriever can contract because it has a detrimental effect on your dog’s nervous system. Normally, dogs contract rabies by biting another animal infected with the disease. There are rabies vaccines that help prevent the disease, and your dog should receive them at least once a year. Symptoms of rabies include seizures, aggression and foaming in the mouth. If you think your Golden has rabies, you should call the veterinarian immediately.


Tapeworms are normally caused by fleas and affect your dog’s stomach. Symptoms of tapeworms include weight loss, diarrhea, and even a bite in the rectal area. You can easily prevent your Tapeworm Golden by using a rigid flea control. If your Golden Retriever has symptoms of tapeworms, you should take it to the veterinarian immediately. If the veterinarian catches them in time, he may be able to kill the tapeworms with an oral medication.


Hookworms result from your Golden in contact with feces, its mother or the worm simply digging under exposed skin. You can prevent your dog from contracting hookworms by cleaning its living area and keeping its skin clean. Symptoms that accompany hookworms include dry coat, weight loss, weakness and blood in the stool. As with all other conditions, you should immediately contact your veterinarian if your Golden Retriever starts to show any of these symptoms.

Although these are just some of the most common illnesses among Golden Retrievers, your dog may suffer from other illnesses and health issues. If your Golden starts to show signs of illness or health problems, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian and make an appointment. Some of these illnesses and conditions can be quite serious – although they can be treated easily if detected in time.

Important! This article is merely informative, at we do not have the power to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the vet in the event that it presents any type of condition or discomfort.


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