Grandfather Managed To Find His Lost Puppy After Days Of Anguish

Grandfather finds lost puppy after days of anguish

Don Pedro is an 80-year-old Chilean grandfather who lives with his best furry friend, “Cachupín”. They go everywhere together, so it was no surprise that the dog accompanied his owner on a 10-hour trip from the capital to Osorno, a town in the south of the country.

Everything was normal on the bus, but at one point one of the assistants told the eldest that he couldn’t take the puppy inside the cabin, so he had to leave him in the trunk . Not to cause trouble, he agreed, but it was a big mistake.

Grandfather finds lost puppy after days of anguish

At 5 a.m. that day, bus attendants approached her to tell her that her pet had “escaped” after opening the trunk to unload luggage for some passengers. Faced with this situation, the desperate grandfather began to ask for help.

The animal group “Suyai” discovered the fact, for which it created a great campaign of dissemination through social networks, bringing many people to join the search for Cachupín.

Grandfather finds lost puppy after days of anguish

“Don Pedro was looking for his puppy all day with several people accompanying him. We were with him, we went to the Liceo Industrial San Javier, and Cachupín does not appear. We will continue to support Don Pedro, as well as many people who join the search. We beg whoever sees it, please hold it,” they said.

These were days of anguish, but thanks to the organized work of different people, it was possible to find the location of the dog. Specifically, it was a driver who saw the pup and chased it until he managed to grab it and save it from the dangers of the street.

The “Suyai” volunteers were in charge of bringing the two friends together, a fact that was recorded through a touching video, in which the two look totally excited and happy to be together again.

Images: Facebook / Suyai Río Bueno

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