He stopped feeding the dog because he wanted revenge on his wife. The dog no longer has the strength to move on her own

He stopped feeding dog to revenge his wife

Help Animals, the animal welfare association in Kalisz, carried out another intervention concerning the mistreatment of domestic animals. Arriving at the address, the view across the fence sent the inspectors to despair. The owner stopped feeding the dog to repay his wife for leaving. The victim Labrador looked like a walking skeleton.

Where will people go to slander or hurt their ex-partner? The recent intervention of a pro-animal organization in the vicinity of Kalisz confirms that some are ready to go all the way – almost literally -.

He stopped feeding the dog to upset his wife

On the Facebook profile of the animal rights organization Kalisz, shocking photos have been published showing an extremely emaciated dog. Preliminary results show that the owner of the Labrador dog gave up feeding the charge to get revenge on his wife.

The fate of Karmen – for that is the name of the dog – was entrusted only to passers-by. Last Friday, witnesses alerted the relevant services to the presence of an extremely emaciated animal on the property, and during the intervention, assisted by the police, Karmen was removed from the hands of the degenerate. The organization added that it had submitted a notification to the prosecution in this regard. The penalty provided can be up to 5 years in prison.

The owner of the dog was hiding the lack of money

Volunteer Anna Maล‚ecka from the Help Animals association quoted by PAP explains that Karmen the Labrador was so exhausted that she could not leave the box alone. From the interview with the owners, it was concluded that the animal had been in the house since childhood, since, like many other living things, it was given to a child.

At first, the dog stayed at home, but when he reached maturity, he was led to the pen outside. Moreover, no one took care of her sterilization, which ended in an unwanted pregnancy.

โ€“ Karmen was pregnant once, but not all the puppies survived. Even then, no one took her to the vet to stop the lactation, says the Help Animals volunteer.

When the couple broke up, prompting the wife to take the child and move elsewhere, the dog remained on the property. Then the animal’s co-owner stopped feeding him, while people concerned about his condition replied that he did not want to eat and that he could not afford a visit to the vet.

Meanwhile, the intelligence services confirmed that the man was working and relatively wealthy and therefore acted with complete premeditation, even though the revenge plan could lead to irreversible changes in the animal’s body, and therefore even his death.

Karmen received professional help

Karmen has already made her first visit to the vet for tests. Based on the results obtained, further proceedings in this case will be considered. She is currently in a foster home where she is being cared for.

– Loneliness was the worst punishment for her. These dogs are very sensitive in nature, attached to the family and cannot be left alone, because they do not tolerate it very well – explained Anna Maล‚ecka.

It should be noted that Karmen’s intervention is not the first case of starvation of a dog in recent weeks in the Kalisz region. Two other “skinny” four-legged have already been collected from the surrounding villages: a male Dalmatian named Charlie and a female Tinka. The two animals were as neglected as Karmen, even if thanks to the treatment put in place, they returned to form and caught up with the lost kilos.

Hopefully soon all three will regain their vitality and soon join loving families.

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