How Cats Thank Their Owners: 5 Ways a Cat Says “Thank You”

    how cats thank their owners
    Pexels / Cats Coming

    Many people think that cats are selfish and ungrateful animals. However, in reality this is not entirely true and, in most cases, it is us who do not notice how much our animals thank us for our attention and care. They do this in different ways, and today we will look at exactly which ones in this article.

    What are the signs of a happy cat?


    One of the main signs of gratitude and happiness is the purring of a cat. It is unique in that it occurs on both the inhale and exhale, forming a continuous sound cycle. This characteristic sound has a frequency ranging from 25 to 150 hertz, but is generally between 27 and 44 hertz. Some doctors claim that a cat’s purring helps normalize blood pressure and also promotes bone regeneration and healing of fractures. Interestingly, while all cats are capable of purring, some cat breeds are considered “quiet,” while others are big fans of purring.

    If a cat has activated the “purring” mode, this is a good sign: on the one hand, purring calms it and the owner, and on the other hand, the cat communicates that, thanks to your care, it is happy of his life and feels comfortable and safe being near you. Let me give you a simple example of how a cat expresses gratitude: you came home after a hard day at work. You are tired and looking for a comfortable place to relax. As soon as you sit down on the sofa, your cat approaches you and starts purring with a loud, pleasant sound that fills the room. His eyes beam with pleasure and he presses himself against you, as if to say, “Thank you for coming back, I missed you.” I’m glad to see you, and here are my purrs to tell you how much I appreciate you.”


    When a cat sees that its bowl is always full of food and its tray is always clean, it thinks that since you have done something for it, then it should express its gratitude to you in the form of a gift. This can be either a favorite toy, an object that the cat can bring directly to your feet, or captured prey, such as insects, birds or mice.

    If a cat gave you, for example, a non-living bird, do not be afraid, because the cat shows that it appreciates and cares about you, as if saying: “The owner is from food for you. Now it’s my turn to feed you. And if your cat brings you live animals, he just wants to teach you how to hunt. He loves you and doesn’t want you to go hungry. In any case, thank the cat for its kindness, accept the gift and, without it noticing, throw or release the prey. Do not under any circumstances show him your displeasure, as you could damage his self-esteem. He just wants to make a good impression on you, show you how comfortable he is, how much he loves you and that you are like family to him.


    Since cats cannot speak human language, they use nonverbal gestures to communicate their emotions. For example, when a cat feels comfortable and secure enough to show it, it may begin to “massage” its owner by moving its paws one at a time. It seems to say: “Thank you for the delicious food and care, and for this I will remember you a little and leave you a mark with my scent from the sweat glands on my paws that you are my friend. This improves contact between humans and cats, and establishes even warmer relationships.

    For example, imagine a situation: you are sitting tired on the sofa and a cat, observing you, notices your fatigue. He approaches you, raises his front paws and begins to move them while massaging your leg or shoulder. At the same time, it delicately releases its claws which sink a little into the skin. This massage creates a pleasant feeling, as if your cat is trying to relieve you of stress. This is how the animal shows its care and expresses its gratitude to you.

    You can say that this is an instinctive behavior of the cat, a legacy of the time when it was a kitten and kneaded its mother’s belly while nursing. Now he has grown up, but the instinct remains. This may be true, but whatever the exact reason, know that a cat that gives its owner a “massage” is a happy cat and enjoys doing it. Especially if the cat purrs. Never punish a cat by yelling or forcing it to squeeze you. Cats don’t respond well to negativity, so it’s best to carefully trim her nails if they are sharp and her “massage” hurts.


    If a cat suddenly comes up to you and starts head-butting you, this is one of the signs of deep affection and gratitude. In addition, cats perfectly sense the mood of their owner – sometimes in a way that the closest people do not feel, and can support the owner in difficult times. For example, if the owner is sad, the cat, showing concern and trying to calm him down, may start to “butt” and rub against him, while purring softly. This support and care from the animal is incredibly gentle and really works, having a positive effect on mood and overall well-being. Additionally, by head banging, the cat leaves its scent marks on the owner, showing other cats that it is “busy” and that it belongs to them.


    Cats are always sincere and if you notice a cat slowly winking at you, then it is a true declaration of love. This may happen after you play with him or give him a treat. This is how the cat seems to be trying to “kiss” you, expressing gratitude and affection. At this point, the best thing you can do is respond to the cat’s blink by blinking at the cat. This will make the animal a little happier.

    Another way to express gratitude is to lick your hands, face and even your hair. There is no need to keep the cat away from you at such times, even if you feel a little uncomfortable because of its rough tongue. It is better to accept such a “thank you” or try to redirect the animal’s attention to something else, such as playing with it.


    Unfortunately, cats cannot speak human language and therefore use different ways to express their emotions and desires. And despite the fact that many consider cats ungrateful animals, in fact, having become attached to their owner, they say “thank you” for their care and concern, but they do it in their own way. They do this in a variety of ways, including purring, giving “special” gifts, giving a relaxing paw massage, headbutting, “kissing” and licking the cat. Each of these ways reflects the deep emotional bonds between a cat and a person and allows the cat to express care and gratitude. Although some of these manifestations may seem unusual or even unpleasant to some owners, it is important to understand and accept them as part of the unique communication with the animal.

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