How To Fix Floppy Puppies Ears?

puppies ears

Many breed standards require erect ears. Puppies are born with an incompletely formed musculoskeletal system, so at first puppies ears ears hang, then rise. The lack of change is alarming for many owners, as non-compliance with standards can, for example, lead to disqualification at an exhibition.

When puppies ears stand up?

According to the standard, the ears of the puppy should be formed and stand up by 2.5-3 months. When the puppy is fully nourished and does not have any hereditary defects, then by 6 months the puppy ears should take an upright position. If this did not happen on time, or, having already fully formed, they suddenly fell, it is necessary to urgently solve the problem that has arisen.

puppies ears

Sometimes only one ear rises; if there is still time left, this is not considered a cause for concern

Note that the timing depends on the breed of the dog. For example, huskies have ears that rise relatively early: as early as one and a half to two months. In Yorkshire terriers, changes begin after three months. In German Shepherds – at 12-16 weeks. The tolerance in both directions is no more than 6 weeks.

Remember! If the ears of a puppy have fallen, the reason may be: heredity, weak immunity, malnutrition, or previous diseases.

Why puppies ears do not stand up?

The following factors can slow down or suspend the process:

  • Dog uncleanness;
  • Large puppy size;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Period of changing teeth;
  • Stress;
  • Mineral deficiency.

Even if you purchased a puppy with erect ears, they may fall when he moves to the new home. The reason is fear. In an unfamiliar environment, the baby behaves wary. The situation usually returns to normal after a few weeks.

How to fix puppies ears?

There are several methods to deal with the problem. You can use available tools or do massages. You can also find special accessories on sale.

Diet change

The diet helps to give the ears back if the puppy is lacking in minerals. It is recommended to give your puppy cottage cheese to replenish calcium reserves. The introduction of jellied meat in the menu is encouraged. It is made from pork ears. This delicacy contains many substances that are beneficial for cartilage tissue.

puppies ears

Some owners prefer to grind eggshells and add them to food.

You can use vitamin and mineral complexes, but before using them, you must obtain permission from your veterinarian. The specialist will select the drug and dosage.


The massage increases blood circulation and promotes the flow of nutrients to the ear cartilage. Usually it is carried out like this: the ears of the pet are raised and the fingers are driven up and down over them. However, there are no uniform strict recommendations on this matter, so you can massage in any way convenient for you and the puppy.


Physical activity, socializing with other dogs, and fresh air can help boost immunity and help relieve stress. However, it is important to consider that puppies have much lower endurance than adult dogs. This is especially true for decorative dogs. The duration of the session should be no more than 10 minutes for puppies under 3 months old. In six months, this period can already be increased to half an hour.

Gluing puppies ears

You can use special glue or professional devices to glue the ears, but we suggest making an analogue with your own hands from available materials. You will need scissors, a patch, and some plastic. The latter can be cut from bottles. It is advisable to sand the edges with sandpaper to remove sharp chips.

  1. Make two frames from plastic. It is advisable to measure the length of the ward’s ear in advance in order to quickly find the right size. The workpiece should be slightly smaller than the ear.
  2. Cut out two pieces of tape. In size, they should correspond to the workpiece and the dog’s ear.
  3. Glue the frames to the plaster.
  4. Cut out two more pieces of plaster and glue them so that you get blanks with one sticky side.
  5. Use a cotton pad and an antiseptic to treat your dog’s ears to prevent infection. Let the skin dry. It is advisable to trim the coat in the processing area.
  6. Glue the blank into the ears.
  7. Cut out two narrow strips of adhesive. With their help, fix your ears in a position that meets the requirements of the standard. Be sure to leave the base of your ear free to allow air to enter. Do not pull on the patch, otherwise it will cause discomfort.
  8. Smooth the patch to adhere better to the skin.
Gluing ears puppies

Ideally, you need to glue the workpiece the first time, otherwise there is a high risk of unreliable fixation

The time of wearing the pads depends on the breed and the initial condition of the pet. One week is enough for some, others have to glue the ears for a month. The breeder or veterinarian can provide specific advice. It is strongly not recommended to interrupt the process of using rubbers, as this will reset all progress.

The absence of erect ears up to 4โ€“5 months should not cause concern. In most cases, this is a normal period. You can speed up the process with the help of walks, proper nutrition, massages and corrective devices. If the ears have not raised before 7 months, you should contact your veterinarian.


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