Dog Found Locked In Room Is So Happy To See Her Rescuers

hungry puppy rescued police

New Castle, Pennsylvania police responded to a burglary call when they made a heartbreaking discovery. A small dog had been locked in an upstairs bedroom, and she was so starved that every bone in her body was showing.

Elissa Druschel, vice president of the Lawrence County Humane Society, told The Dodo:

She was crawling towards them and his tail was wagging all the time. They kept her in the compound overnight until they could bring her back with us the next day.

A dog so happy to be saved by the police

sad puppy

The 10-week-old dog, named ‘Miranda’, was severely anemic and emaciated, so weak she could not stand or lift her head. In addition, she suffered from a staph infection.

rescued hungry puppy

Her mother or other siblings could not be found and rescuers estimated she had been locked in the room alone for at least three weeks.

Elissa said:

At first we weren’t sure she would make it. She was so weak and emaciated. But she kept wagging her tail.

Miranda saved puppy
emaciated miranda

Fed all day, she slowly gained enough strength to move and stand. After a week of regular food, water and medication, Miranda had miraculously doubled her weight.

It was clear she was determined to live, and after the rescue team posted about her on social media, people across the country were supportive of her fight.

Cards for Miranda

Over the next few weeks, Miranda continued to gain weight, and rescuers were amazed at how well she was doing. The skeletal-looking pup looked completely different, and she ran and played like any other adorable pup her age.

Miranda Puppy

The police officers who found her regularly returned to the shelter to visit her during her recovery.

Cards for Miranda

Although adoption requests flooded the rescue group’s Facebook page, they had other plans.


Elissa said:

I think it was always assumed that the officers who found her would have first choice. Those guys were her heroes.

Police rescue dog

After some discussion about who would adopt her, they agreed that Officer Mark Lewis would be Miranda’s new father. And luckily, this week, Miranda was finally healthy enough to go home.

Police and Miranda

Mark said:

I knew almost immediately that I wanted to adopt her. I am happy to bring her home. She will never see the kind of life she had again. She will be the most pampered puppy you have ever had. seen.

Mark and Miranda

After everything she’s been through, it’s clear that Miranda is so grateful to have had a chance to live. He is very happy in his new home.

Mark walks Miranda

Fortunately, an investigation into Miranda’s former owner is ongoing and a court date has been set. For Elissa, justice will be the best finishing touch to Miranda’s happy ending.

Miranda happy

Elissa added:

This person will soon be on trial and I hope we can bring justice to Miranda. To come from such a bad environment so far to be loved by everyone… It’s amazing.

Images: Facebook / Lawrence County Humane Society

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