Rescued Dog Meets His ‘Twin’ On The Street And Convinces His Mom To Bring Him Home

inseparable street twin dog

Bethany Coleman and her boyfriend Tyson had no plans to adopt another pet, having two older cats and a dog named Snape, but that thought changed dramatically in October 2016 when they met Beast, a handsome homeless dog who seemed to be Snape’s lost twin.

Bethany told The Dodo:

“We were renting a flat in Beacon Hill and we already had two cats and a dog. If we moved, he kept saying no sane person could rent a place for two humans, two cats and two dogs.”

inseparable street twin dog

When Bethany first saw Beast, she was hanging out with Snape at the local farmer’s market.

Bethany said:

“A local shelter had a bunch of dogs up for adoption and one of them looked like Snape. I remember calling Tyson and saying, ‘I found a dog I want to save.'”

inseparable street twin dog

The woman decided to adopt the then 8-month-old dog immediately, and Snape seemed quite convinced that the two were twins separated at birth.

Bethany said:

“Snape and I fell in love with him. He looked just like Snape, same size (at the time), same coatโ€ฆhe’s cairn terrier mixes. They ask us all the time if they’re brothers. “

inseparable street twin dog

At first, the coexistence between the two dogs became somewhat complicated, as Snape began to regret his role as an only child.

Bethany said:

โ€œAt first we made sure Beast and Snape had the same toys, but she only wanted what Beast had and always took it away.โ€

inseparable street twin dog

Fortunately, they managed to adapt and became inseparable. Beast is now twice Snape’s size, but she still thinks he’s her twin.

Bethany said:

“He thinks he’s very small like Snape, but he isn’t and he can’t understand itโ€ฆ”

This dog found his twin on the street and now they’re inseparable

The two dogs complement each other perfectly.

Bethany said:

“Snape was super hyper when she was just a dog, but she’s definitely mellowed now that she has a boyfriend.”

The family now lives in Hawaii and the dogs had to self-quarantine upon arrival in that state. The woman was afraid that they would forget her, but when they found each other, it was as if time had not passed.

inseparable street twin dog

Bethany said:

“Our adventure across the country has proven that this little family will always be together. [We] will always cherish the unconditional love you give us every day and we look forward to the next adventure.”

inseparable street twin dog

Bethany added:

“Jokingly, I say we’re starting our little Noah’s Ark. Two humans, two cats, and two dogs.”

Images: Bethany Coleman

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