The kitten’s health was bad. It’s terrifying what the owners tried to treat it with

kitten's health was bad

Irresponsible guardians wanted to treat the cat themselves. When the animal’s condition worsened due to the administration of inappropriate medications, they took it to the vet to… euthanize it. They didn’t want to spend another cent on a pet. The vet understood in time the intentions of the cat’s owners.

Human medications can seriously harm our pets

Many owners wonder if they can give their pet painkillers. This usually arises from compassion and a desire to alleviate the animal’s suffering. However, it should be noted that giving a dog or cat medications from a human medicine cabinet without the advice of a specialist is not only a serious mistake, but also a very risky decision. Most of the agents commonly used by humans can cause symptoms of poisoning and even threaten the life and health of our pets.

Despite the doctors’ contraindications, the irresponsible guardians of the little cat wanted to save on veterinary care. They decided to treat the cat themselves. Unfortunately, the measures used caused serious neurological problems in the cat. When the animal “broke down”, they decided to go to the vet to put it down.

The owners did not want to raise a sick cat

The kitten, only 9 weeks old, was given medications used to treat fleas and ticks in adult dogs. They bought them in a retail store at the lowest price and did not worry about the fact that the medications were not suitable for a small cat. As expected, the kitten got sick after taking medications for dogs.

The baby developed serious neurological problems. The kitten was shaking like an aspen. The owners, seeing what was happening to their cat, suspected an epileptic seizure. They did not want to raise a sick creature, so they decided to put the baby to sleep.

The demanding caregivers didnโ€™t even want to know the real diagnosis after showing up at the vetโ€™s office. Fortunately, the doctor didnโ€™t agree to euthanize the animal and took care of the kitten who needed help.

The man couldnโ€™t have done otherwise

Dr. Matt McGlasson decided to take charge of the sick catโ€™s care. He couldnโ€™t let an innocent creature pay with his life for his ownersโ€™ mistake. He gave the cat the proper medication and then hooked him up to a drip. All he could do was keep his fingers crossed that the little one wouldnโ€™t lose this fight.

The vet was worried that the wrong medication had caused irreversible damage to the kittenโ€™s body. However, he ran into a real tough guy. The cat didnโ€™t give up and got back on track. He has been free of epilepsy symptoms for two years and passes the busy doctor’s time by purring in return for saving his life.

kitten's health was bad

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