The Kittens Wriggle For Cuddles With Their Little Arms And Are Very Happy To Finally Be Taken Care Of

kittens love receive hugs happy taken care

These two adorable limbless kittens love cuddles and are happy to be cared for and have people who love them.

A kind-hearted person saw two kittens alone on the street. For a few hours he waited for the mother to return, but apparently all was in vain. This person decided to transport the tiny cats to a rescue center in Los Angeles, so they could get the help they needed and have a chance at a better life.

Unfortunately, the kittens were in poor condition when they arrived at the shelter, with their bodies covered in fleas and suffering from an upper respiratory infection, as well as serious gastrointestinal issues requiring immediate treatment.

Caroline Grace, founder of Baby Kitten Rescue, told Love Meow:

Bunny (sister) has lost both forearms. Otter (brother) has lost part of his right front arm and some toes on his left front hand. His condition is most likely a birth defect.

Kittens without limbs love to be cuddled

Little kittens without limbs

Caroline said:

He took care of the babies and started bottle feeding them. Immediately he noticed that they were missing limbs and started looking for help. When I saw the message and the photos, I couldn’t say no. Cats with only two legs can live completely normal and happy lives. Kittens quickly learn to walk on their hind legs, like a rabbit.

Caroline provided them with medicine, supplements to help them recover, and took care of their injuries. On the first day, the kittens’ appetites increased and they started moving around the nursery with their newfound energy.

Rescued Armless Kitten

Otter feels protective of his sister Bunny and always wants to be near her by wrapping his body around her to rest. Bunny for her part, despite being the smallest, has a huge drive to move on. He has become a little purr machine and constantly seeks his adoptive mother’s kisses and affection.

Kittens without limbs love to be hugged

Although Bunny no longer has her front legs, she continues to enjoy kneading everything with her pretty knots as she approaches Caroline for petting. It may take the little one a little longer to figure out how to walk, but she’s still happy. She has started working on strengthening her leg muscles as she moves around the nursery.

kittens rescued from the street

The little brothers have recovered thanks to the care and all the love they receive from their caregivers. Soon they will be assessed for physical therapy to help improve their mobility.

Caroline said:

Bunny loves to eat and climb on top of his brother to eat first, even though he’s twice her size. I have no doubt he’ll be spinning on two legs in no time.

Bunny and Otter now know what love is and are thriving by leaps and bounds. Felines are happy to have a family that loves them unconditionally and is always there for them every day.

adorable kittens without limbs

Finally, Caroline says:

They love to be hugged, kissed and kissed back. And they both purr non-stop.

Images: Instagram / babykittenrescue


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