Kittens were abandoned by their mother, the color of the smallest is a phenomenon. They were terrified, it was their destiny

Kittens were abandoned by their mother

Fate can be cruel, sometimes it does not spare even tiny defenseless creatures, unable to fend for themselves in the world around them. This was exactly the case with these kittens abandoned by their mother. Terrified little ones wandered the streets, no one knows how long it took before someone took an interest in them. The color of one of them immediately attracts attention. It’s beautiful!

Stray cat abandoned her kittens

A pet rescuer who has been caring for stray cats for over 12 years received a report about three kittens wandering around the area. The woman did not intend to wait any longer, she immediately went to the indicated place. The description of the situation showed that the kittens were very small and it was not known how long they had been alone. Her reaction was due to the fact that they would not be able to cope with the world around them without the cat’s care.

The anonymous person who gave her this information added that there was a cat wandering around nearby, which was most likely their mother, but she was not at all interested in them. Apparently, after giving birth to the kittens, she did not reject them, as happens with animals.

One kitten from the litter stood out for the color of its fur

When Shelly arrived and saw the kittens, she immediately noticed that their eyes were infected, which made them visibly difficult to open. It was also visible to the naked eye that they were clearly suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. She knew that she had to help them immediately, even though she already had a dozen puppies in her care.

Since then, she has been bottle-feeding them regularly, making sure they have the right temperature, and curing the infections that bothered them. The kittens were named: Polly, Cloud, and Destiny. Unfortunately, the last of them, who was the smallest of the siblings, could not be saved despite our best efforts.

Polly’s fur has a unique pattern

From the moment Shelly first saw Polly, she knew that the cat had unique colors. The three colors of her fur formed a unique pattern that became even more beautiful over time. Anyone who sees her cannot stop admiring her.

The unique color is not the only advantage of the cat. She is a real pet that loves cuddles. She would rather not be separated from a person, even for a single step. Even though Polly was smaller than her brother, she was in no way inferior to him.

Even better, Shelly was approached by a woman who expressed her willingness to adopt four kittens, including Polly and her brother. These two, who were not spared by fate from birth, could not have ended up better. They went to a loving home with the other two kittens and are living a happy life.

“It’s not every day that you come across someone who offers a home to four of them… This is an opportunity that we can’t pass up,” summarizes the rescuer.

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