The Lives Of These United Kittens Have Changed Thanks To A Family That Has Never Abandoned Them

life kittens united change thanks family

In February, a group of rescuers found a litter of four kittens, about 10 days old, who were in poor health. The abandoned kittens were quickly taken to the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter in Texas, USA.

They were all wet and almost frozen to death, even their temperatures weren’t registered on the thermometers, so they acted immediately.

The lives of kittens changed thanks to a family

kittens life

Shelter staff began warming the kittens to try to stabilize their temperature and prevent them from collapsing from hypothermia. Megyn, a local foster care volunteer, was alerted to the pup’s situation and immediately offered her professional help.

kittens life changed

Megyn told Love Meow:

When I arrived, I started to assess his condition. They all had injuries, one had back paralysis and one had difficulty breathing.

kittens life changes

Despite their efforts to save all the kittens, two of them lost the battle, but the others, Lenny and Carl, continued to fight. The woman was heartbroken, but knew she had to fight to give the remaining pair of kittenโ€™s new life.

kittens thriving

The cubs weren’t strong enough to eat, so the woman fed them through a tube throughout the day. After several days of effort and lots of special care, the little cats began to regain their strength and gradually thrive.

Once strong enough, the first thing they did was cling to their adoptive family to absorb all the love they gave them.


In truth, Megyn’s optimism about the cats’ situation was cautious, as they were born in the middle of the winter storm and their condition was complicated. But the kittens proved to him that they were champions and had a zest for life, as they quickly overcame their difficult start to life.

bottle fed kittens

Within days, Carl (Grey Kitten) became an expert in bottle feeding and overtook his brother in weight. Megyn was shocked as she thought the adorable kitty wouldn’t survive the first night, so seeing him progress successfully was a relief.


After four weeks in foster care, the two brothers gained weight and switched to cat food. The little ones have been very close and share a special bond as they have supported each other through life’s obstacles.

United Brothers

Carl and Lenny, now seven weeks old, have since overcome all their difficulties with great success. Apart from being blood brothers, they have become best friends and can constantly be found hugging or sleeping together somewhere.

friend oliver

Lenny and Carl love the other resident animals in the home, but they befriended a rescue cat named Oliver, who arrived at the foster home with several injuries, but the brave cat made a healthy recovery. satisfying and, despite everything, is a gentle soul.

Oliver and Lenny

Megyn commented:

The kittens loved it straight away. Oliver was hesitant and curious at first, but recovered quickly.

The two brothers were so insistent on going out with Oliver and keeping him company, that in no time they were able to win him over and strike up a friendship.

friends sleeping

Megyn added:

Oliver now wants to be with the kittens all the time to supervise play or cuddles, they love and seek him out. I am grateful that she has found the company of these two silly kids.

Carl and Lenny still have a lot to do before starting a new chapter in their short lives, but they will soon be ready for adoption.

happy brothers

The two brothers will always be grateful to their foster family for helping them grow into two healthy young cats.

Images: Facebook / Kitten Konnoisseur

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