Dog That Was ‘Dead’ Rushes Into Mom’s Arms When She Sees Her At Shelter

little dog had died run arms mom go shelter

When Maile Trist was checking her emails, she found a message that she immediately assumed was a prank. His beloved dog, an older Chihuahua named Jazzy, was reportedly in the care of the Cowley County Humane Society after he was found wandering alone in a nearby rock quarry.

The email about the dog made no sense to her, since Jazzy had apparently died two years ago. Maile says she moved from California to Kansas and due to the move and a new full-time job, she felt she didn’t have enough time to spend with Jazzy. And she asked a dog-loving couple she was friends with to look after her little dog for a while.

What the woman remembers is that when she tried to contact the couple, they ignored her calls and deleted her social media accounts. She couldn’t find them, and after six months Maile’s fiancรฉ managed to track them down and asked Jazzy to come back.

‘Dead’ dog rushes into mom’s arms when she sees her at shelter

Dog that had died is found in a shelter

Maile told The Dodo:

“The lady told him that she had died three months earlier. About a year and a half has passed, and much, much mourning. I felt awful giving it to her because I thought I wasn’t there for her final moments.”

Dog runs into mom's arms

The young woman believed she would never see her beloved dog again, but luckily Jazzy had a tracking chip. And when he learned that his dog was in a shelter, he dropped everything to be by his side again.

Malle remembers:

“Automatically, I came home from work, got in the car and walked towards her. I cried from time to time all the way, which was nearly three hours away. I couldn’t believe she was still alive and I had no idea how she got this far, but at the time, I didn’t care.”

The young woman adds:

“I met my beautiful daughter, I put my hand in the cage and she automatically walked towards me wagging her tail and putting her head in my hand. I started crying because I found my dog!”

Dog is reunited with her human

It didn’t take long for Jazzy to recognize his mother, and within seconds his little tail was wagging uncontrollably. The little chihuahua was so happy that he didn’t leave his mother’s lap or arms during the car ride.

From now on, Jazzy will not take her eyes off her mother. What happened to the little older dog is a mystery, but the important thing for his family is that they are safe and ready to spend their golden years with their beloved favorite human.

Dog and her mother are reunited

Finally, Maile said:

“She’s been so, so happy ever since and won’t leave me or let me go anywhere without her. And I feel the same way! She’s a little whiter than the last time I saw her, and her hips are a little more painful, but it’s still the same old lady as before, and I’m so glad she’s been in love for the past two years.”

Images: Maile Trist

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