Little Dog Can’t Understand Why Abraham Lincoln Doesn’t Throw The Frisbee At Her

little dog not understand abraham lincoln does not throw frisbee

This adorable playful dog can’t understand why the statue of Abraham Lincoln doesn’t throw the frisbee at her to play.

There is nothing that a dog enjoys more than the famous game of searching. Canines are always on the lookout to find someone right to have a good time with. It is something quite known to many, that if a cheerful dog approaches you with a tennis ball or a Frisbee, it is because he wants you to throw him to start the fun.

An adorable border collie dog named Nova, was enjoying the outdoors in a park in The Colony, Texas, and there she met the very famous president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, in the form of a bronze statue, and although she tried being friendly, she couldn’t understand why he didn’t throw the Frisbee at her.

Nova was with her father that day when she decided that she wanted to play fetch. Among the people she had, she approached a friendly and familiar looking stranger sitting on a park bench, sadly the figure did not seem to respond to her request for play.

Dog does not understand why Abraham Lincoln does not throw the frisbee at her

Dog can't understand why Lincoln doesn't throw the frisbee

Nova’s father told Viral Hog:

She loves nothing more than playing Frisbee and she chooses victims of any shape or size to play with. Even this statue of good Abraham Lincoln. She’s great at getting noticed, but Abe kept her stone cold gaze and continued to ignore her.

The truth is that the real Abraham Lincoln enjoyed searching games, was known for his love of animals, and even had several dogs in his life, the most remembered of them was his yellow stray dog โ€‹โ€‹Fido.

Dog doesn't understand why Abraham Lincoln doesn't throw the frisbee

Unfortunately for Nova, her bronze counterpart is not as playful and lively. The little dog finally gave up that day, but we all hope that she will hopefully find a new partner who wasn’t so stiff that day.

Image: YouTube / ViralHog


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