An adorable dog who had forged a very special bond with his father, travels several miles every day to reach his grave.
The love dogs feel for their favorite person goes beyond anything imaginable, even beyond death; a bond is formed that is nearly unbreakable and this has been demonstrated by this dog who walks miles every day to reach the grave of his human father.
The adorable dog named Fulmine shared the last seven years of his life with his best friend Leonardo. Both lived very comfortably in the Italian countryside, enjoying nature and always looking for ways to be happy by accompanying each other.
Leonardo’s daughter, Sarah Sechi, assures that they were inseparable, that they had become soul mates, that they loved each other very much and that we almost always saw them embracing.
A dog travels miles to find his friend

Unfortunately, the beautiful time that Fulmine and Leonardo spent together had to come to an end, but apparently their love is still latent. After a long battle with a serious illness, Leonardo passed away last month.

While he was in hospital, his family took care of his dog, but although he provided him with everything he needed, they noticed how much he missed Leonardo.
Sarah told The Dodo:
Every time a car approached, Fulmine would run to the door to see if it was my father.

Fulmine looked everywhere for his best friend, even when his friend had already been buried, he did not lose hope of finding him.
He was so insistent on finding his beloved father that after many attempts, he finally managed to find his beloved. A day after Leonardo’s funeral, Sechi and his son went to the cemetery to lay fresh flowers on his grave.
Upon reaching the grave, they were surprised by the scene they found, as there was someone else visiting their father. It was Fulmine, the little dog had traveled hundreds of miles alone, just to be able to find Leonardo’s tomb.

It is not known how he managed to get there, but apparently he understood that his father, whom he had never seen again, was there.
Sarah commented:
I didn’t expect to find him there. He wasn’t at the funeral, I have no idea how he got there.

The truth is, there was the adorable Fulmine, and he had finally reunited with his best friend Leonardo, if only in spirit. Incredibly, this was not going to be his last visit, as from then on neighbors reported when they saw Fulmine visiting the cemetery.

According to his family, the dog visits Leonardo’s grave almost every day, showing the endless love he has for him.
It will always be a mystery how Fulmine managed to get to the tomb, but, strange as it may seem, it’s still something very moving.

Sarah said:
I like to think he’s driven by the love he has for my dad. Or that my dad took him there.
Fulmine is still sad and grieving over the loss of his friend, but the good news is that he won’t have to face this feeling alone.

The dog lives with Sarah; They both keep each other company and comfort each other so they can get over this loss and move on with their lives.
Sarah added:
It makes me emotional to think how much my father and Fulmine loved each other. It’s sad to see him heartbroken, but little by little we will get through this sad time together.

The most important thing is that the memory of Leonardo will always be alive in their hearts, especially in that of his best friend Fulmine.
Images: Facebook / Sara Sechi