The attachment a pet has to its owners is sometimes beyond human understanding. Some dogs or cats become so attached to the members of their household that after losing them, they can no longer function normally. They show their desire and desperation in different ways. This quadruped clearly showed that he wanted nothing more than to return to his beloved people.
The found dog was taken to the shelter. He didn’t want anyone to come near him
One day, a white dog with black spots came to the Helping Hands Humane Society. Everything indicated that he had been wandering the streets for some time, as evidenced by his emaciation and the dirt that had spread on his light coat.
The animal rescuers did everything to get the dog back to good health. However, it wasn’t until about a week later that he allowed them to get close enough to also check the dog for a flea. It turned out that thanks to the information in this document, they were able to contact his guardians.

They thought they would never find their beloved dog
Unfortunately, it often happens that animals escape from their owners. This happens under various circumstances, but fate has already proven that even when they sometimes begin to lose hope of meeting again, a miracle happens. We have already mentioned several such cases on our website.
It turned out that a dog named Panda had gone missing two years ago. The keepers admit they’re not sure how this happened, especially since their second pet, Nala, returned home safely. However, they immediately set out to find their pet. They put up posters and posted announcements on social media. All for nothing.
They didn’t stop thinking about their beloved pet even for a moment. The call they received from the organization was a dream come true. They didn’t believe it was actually happening.

The family was complete again
Panda made no secret that she did not want to make contact with new people. She looked like she was waiting for her beloved guardians to come and take her out of the cage. Perhaps during his wanderings through the streets something happened that left such a mark on his psyche.
Before meeting the family with the dog, the organization’s employees informed them that their pet might behave differently than before. But as soon as their eyes met, everything else ceased to matter.
– When Panda’s parents arrived at the cage, we saw a completely different dog. Suddenly he started jumping for joy, wagging his tail, and when he finally could, he jumped straight into their arms, proving that he missed them as much as he had missed them for the last two years – the coordinator communications from Helping Hands confesses to The Dodo.

Fortunately, this story has a happy ending, but all dog owners should remember to do everything they can to prevent their pets from escaping. It is unknown how their fate will unfold and whether they will be as lucky as Panda.
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