Lost Dog Returns Home With Two New Friends He Made Along The Way

lost dog returns unexpected friends

Bo is a sweet-natured black Labrador who adores his family. But besides that, he is a dog that loves adventure and making new friends. Although his family accepts him just the way he is, he seriously scared them when he decided to go for a walk alone.

One night, Bo apparently decided to sneak out of his house to do some exploring in the fields near his family’s Kansas property. But before he left, he forgot to leave them a note.

His family was very concerned when they found out that Bo was gone and immediately started looking everywhere for him.

Dog returns home with two unusual friends

Lying bo

Laura Krier, Bo’s mom, told The Dodo:

“We had been looking for him nonstop.”

The next day, Laura learned that a dog fitting Bo’s description had been seen playing in a field 6 miles from her home. Kyle, Laura’s husband, drove to the location to pick him up, and it’s good that his vehicle had a lot of extra space, since Bo wasn’t alone.


Along with the dog was an unusual couple who joined Bo on his mission to explore the surroundings.

Bo’s two new adventure companions were a dog and a goat, Ozzy and Libby, who belong to Chris and Shawna Huggans, neighbors of Bo’s family.

Bobo and his friends

Turns out, after escaping from home the night before, Bo evidently headed over to Chris and Shawna’s house with a plan in mind; invite his two friends for a walk without humans.

Bo with his two friends

Shawna said:

“It’s hard to say if Bo the Black Lab or Libby and Ozzy were to blame for starting the adventure. But nevertheless, they escaped. They are friends, sure.”

In the end, everyone returned safely.

Bo's dog and goat friends

Bo, Libby, and Ozzy may have gone out in search of a new experience, but the incident has also been first for his family.

Bo family

Laura said:

“It was one of those stories that you tell your family and friends and they don’t believe you. It is funny. Bo is crazy, full of energy and always ready to do something. He is a nice and sweet dog.”

Images : Kyle Krier / Shawna Huggans

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