HomeDogsLoyal dog sleeps on his owner's grave for six years

Loyal dog sleeps on his owner’s grave for six years

The story of this dog, called Capitan, is reminiscent of Hachiko, the dog who stayed for years in a train station in a Japanese city waiting for his owner to return and who inspired a Hollywood film.

Eternal love does exist, at least for Capitan, a faithful dog who slept for six years on his master’s grave in a cemetery in the Argentine town of Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina.

โ€œThe dog appeared one day in the cemetery, without anyone having brought him, and began to wander until he found the grave of his master,โ€ explained the cemetery director, Hรฉctor Baccega.

Capitan, a crossbreed dog with a German Shepherd character, was a gift that Miguel Guzmรกn gave to his son Damiรกn in 2005.

In March 2006, Miguel died and Capitan disappeared from the family home, but he returned shortly after and remained on the street near the house for a few days.

Subsequently, he disappeared permanently and the Guzmรกns believed that he was dead or that he had been adopted by another family until the day they found him in the cemetery, at Miguel’s grave.

Loyal dog sleeps on his owner grave for six years

“The following Sunday we visited the grave again and the dog was there. This time he followed us, on the way back, because we were walking. He stayed with us at the house for a while , then he returned to the cemetery.” said Verรณnica, Miguel’s widow.

Capitan wanders the cemetery and sometimes returns home for a few hours, but at dusk he seeks his master’s grave to sleep.

โ€œHe became very loved, at first we called him ‘el rego’, because he arrived with a broken leg, but among all the cemetery employees we found a veterinarian to treat him,โ€ explained Baccega .

The cemetery director assured that the animal had won the affection of the establishment’s workers, who are responsible for feeding it and keeping its vaccinations up to date.

Loyal dog sleeps on his owner grave for six years

Many people know the story of the dog Hachiko, the dog who stayed for years at a train station in a Japanese city waiting for his master to return and who inspired a Hollywood film. Or that of the Italian dog Fido, who waited for the return of his deceased master for 14 years. Dogs are very loyal animals. They are still with their owner.

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