Major, Joe Biden’s Dog Will Be The First Shelter Dog To Live In The White House

Major Joe Biden Dog

Joe Biden became the new president of the United States. These results bring a series of novelties to the White House; among them, that Major, the president-elect’s dog, will become the first dog rescued from a shelter that will reside in the White House.

When they move into the White House, Joe Biden and the First Lady will take their two German Shepherd Dogs with them. The older dog named Champ has been a part of the family since 2008 and Major joined them in 2018.

Major came to the Delaware Humane Association when he was just a puppy, along with a litter of 5 more siblings who were rescued. All six underwent life-saving medical care at a local veterinary center and were all later adopted.

As Vice President of Barack Obama, Biden first heard of Major through his daughter, Ashley, who sent him a Facebook post, which was made by the shelter and said they urgently needed temporary homes for several puppies, so Biden called the shelter to help.

That’s how Major came to the family, but he must have made a big impression on the Bidens, as they decided to adopt him permanently.

Starting next January, the family’s German Shepherds, Champ and Major, will roam freely around the presidential house.

While Major will be the first shelter dog to inhabit the White House, technically he will not become the first rescue dog to reside there. That title belongs to Yuki, a homeless puppy who was adopted by the president at that time; Lyndon B. Johnson.

Lyndon’s daughter had found the little dog wandering around a gas station in Texas on Thanksgiving Day in 1966.

Champ and Major will bring a long tradition of dogs back to the White House, as current President Donald Trump does not have dogs. Trump became the first president in more than 100 years to not have a pet dog in the White House.

William McKinley, president of the United States from 1897 to 1901, had been the first president to not have a dog. However, McKinley was characterized by having pets like; roosters, two kittens, and a parrot named Washington Post, which could hiss noticeably.

Trump explained to the Washington Post the reason why he did not have a dog in the white house, saying that he was very busy.

Trump told the Washington Post:

“I wouldn’t mind having one, honestly, but I don’t have time, but how would I see myself walking a dog on the White House lawn?”

The importance of dogs in the presidency is so great that Biden used his two dogs in the presidential campaign, taking advantage of his followers’ enthusiasm to recover tradition.

Biden wrote on Twitter:

“Let’s get the dogs back to the White House.”

With animal adoptions on the rise in recent years, having a shelter dog in the chair is a great example for everyone.

There is no doubt that having Champ and Major in the white house will be part of the great changes that the new presidential era will bring.

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