This man hears a kitten inside a bulldozer engine and does everything he can to get it out.
While Matt was working on a construction project, something unexpected happened. At the end of the day, as he was finishing his chores, he heard what sounded like a kitten’s cry coming from a local bulldozer.
The kitten was very small, apparently it was a newborn. He meowed very loudly, trying to get help. To get the little boy out, Matt had to dismantle the bottom plates of the bulldozer.
Matt’s sister, Amy, told Love Meow:
He had everything on his feet to listen, and no one could hear him except him. He searched and found the kitten near the engine. Her little body had been inside that bulldozer all day. I had to remove a large bolt and plate near the engine. He wrapped the kitten in a jacket and drove to find me.
A man hears a kitten in an excavator engine and does everything to get it out

The tabby kitten was named Max, and although he was not the only kitten found that day, he was the sole survivor of his litter. Matt took him to his sister so she could help him recover and give him the necessary care.
Max was very small, weighing only 70 grams, about half the size he should have been, and his umbilical cord was still attached to his body.
Amy says:
He was covered in dirt, which filled his mouth and ears. I gently wiped him with a damp cotton ball and found he had burns on the side of his face and on his front legs.
The feline was fed kitten formula, given a warm bed to rest in and spent the first 24 hours in its new home receiving cuddles and cuddles. He soon began to gain weight and insisted on snuggling up to Amy after every meal.
Max found his purr and happily let him out. He was still very small, but he showed strength and a will to live. As soon as his eyes opened, he tried to climb every corner of the house with great vigor.

Amy recalls that the first three weeks of Max’s life were really stressful, she didn’t know if the little one would survive, but she showed determination. The kitten clung to its human mother for love and comfort.
After several weeks, Max broke the 1 pound mark and moved into a small playpen where he could move his little legs and learn to walk.

Soon, Max discovered the comfort of his humans’ bed and decided to slip under the duvet. When he met the rest of the family, he would perch on their laps or shoulders, offering each a little of his love.
Amy says:
He purred from the start and loves to play with everyone he plays with, including our dog. It’s a miracle.

Max has become a young tabby cat, he is very playful and mischievous and likes to explore every corner of the house. He’s the cutest nap buddy and always showers everyone with hugs.
Now Max has been blessed to live with a loving family who dotes on him and appreciates his antics.
Images: Instagram / mightymaxthesupercat