Man Goes To Move Dog’s Body From Road And Ended Up Adopting It

man move dog body road adopting
Facebook / Kartavya animal and social welfare society

Last November, the heartbreaking sight of an animal in need caused Riddle Paliwal and Akash Saxena to abort their journey home from work. As founders of the Kartavya Society animal shelter in India, they felt compelled to take action and help.

Amidst the heavy traffic, a motionless shape was spotted on the road. It was that of a stray dog, apparently lifeless. The rescuers could not ignore it; they had to help. So, driven by compassion and courage, they stopped there.

Riddle Paliwal told The Dodo:

“We thought we should at least go get him and give him a proper burial.”

Man goes to move dog’s body and ends up adopting it

man move dog body road adopting
Facebook / Kartavya animal and social welfare society

Suddenly, a change of destiny occurred. As vehicles rushed past the poor animal on the road, Akash bravely ventured out to pick up what he believed to be a lifeless body. Miraculously and like something straight out of a fairy tale, after delicately lifting him from the ground, life stirred in his arms!

Riddle Paliwal remembers:

“Akash shouted, ‘He’s alive!’”

Here is this dramatic moment on video:

The dog suffered a head injury, probably from being hit by a car which left him unconscious. However, despite the continued danger, he overcame the challenge alive.

Riddle Paliwal says:

“We picked him up and took him to the emergency vet. “We just wanted to save his life because it was truly a miracle that he made it.”

Thus, Miracle acquired his name, a title which he had undoubtedly deserved thanks to the tenacity and stubbornness of spirit which he displayed.

man move dog body road adopting
Facebook / Kartavya animal and social welfare society

Little by little, Miracle regained its vitality and its endearing character asserted itself over the days.

Riddle assures:

“He’s the nicest boy you’ve ever met.” His face has this constant smile that makes you feel at peace and fills you with joy. »

man move dog body road adopting
Facebook / Kartavya animal and social welfare society

Finding homes for the stray dogs they rescue is usually one of the most complex tasks for Riddle and Akash, but in Miracle’s case, that wasn’t the case; Their place was waiting right next to them.

Riddle added:

“We decided to keep Miracle with us. We love him very much and can’t imagine our home without him. So he is ours forever. »

man move dog body road adopting
Facebook / Kartavya animal and social welfare society

After a miraculous rescue, the little dog has finally found his home. Thanks to Riddle and Akash’s dedication, this boy can enjoy the life he deserves; a life that we thought was lost forever. However, by providing him with respect and dignity, they gave him the opportunity for a new start!

Ultimately, the Kartavya Society was founded to give a voice to animals who might otherwise go unheard.

Finally, Riddle said:

“We believe that a life in need should never be ignored. Seeing Miracle alive, happy and playing with our other dogs is the happiest thing for us. “This encourages us to help more dogs in need so we can save more “miracles.” »

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