This is the story of an adorable Pit bull puppy who was saved from death and was able to find his savior. Not with an adoptive family expected for months and months, but directly with the first person who had the love and interest to save him from a bad end. Stories with happy endings are our favorites, not just because they move to read, but because they have good people and safe animals inside.
Joey, a sailor from Nova Scotia, a province in eastern Canada, went above and beyond his “duty” when he wanted to save a Pit Bull puppy who was in danger of dying.
Joey, indeed, met the puppy in very poor condition. The dog was infested with mange and for this reason he acted quickly by taking him immediately to the vet. The pup needed quick and effective surgery to cure the mange.
The pup, however, was lucky enough to meet Joey who immediately groomed him and gave him all the attention he needed. The medical team named the puppy Mojo – which means an amulet, a lucky charm – for his good fortune in life.
The team of people who edited it didn’t want Mojo to be mainstream. So they contacted someone very special to see if they would be happy to welcome Mojo into their home.
But we knew it would be a special encounter between Mojo and the man who first loved the pup. It was obvious that she had already given everything for the Pit Bull.
When the man returned to the clinic to see how the pup was doing, he received a very special welcome. Mojo, in fact, was delighted to see Joey, the one who had saved him. There is no doubt that she remembered him and his vital intervention. The decision to bring them together was undoubtedly brilliant, the right one.
Mojo is now just over three years old and doing great. He lives happily at home with Joey and his family and is a very happy pup. They say he is quite spoiled but the important thing is that he is safe and sound in the arms of a family that will never abandon him.
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