A man saved an injured owl and never thought she would thank him. Her reaction moved him

man saved injured owl reaction moved
Wild At Heart Rescue

An endangered and rescued animal will surely be eternally grateful to the one who gave it another chance. This is what happened to this man, who received an injured owl and nursed it throughout its treatment so that it got better. One day, she thanked him for his help with a nice gesture.

Douglas โ€œDougโ€ Pojeky is the president of Wild At Heart Rescue of Mississippi, a shelter that cares for injured animals.

One day, Doug took in an injured Great Horned Owl

man saved injured owl reaction moved
Wild At Heart Rescue

The animal had suffered significant head trauma and everything indicated that it had been hit by a car. โ€œHe had a massive concussion, his body was riddled with parasites and he suffered from a disease called aspergillosis, which is similar to pneumonia in humans,โ€ explained Missy Dubuisson, founder and director of Wild At Heart, at The Dodo.

Gigi, as the owl was named, lost a pound of weight during her treatment, which could be up to a third of her body weight. So she needed help immediately and Doug was there for her.

man saved injured owl reaction moved
Wild At Heart Rescue

Over time, the owl became stronger and healthier. She even started eating her own food on her own, no longer feeding from someone’s hand. And all thanks to its guardian, a bird lover.

The two developed a friendship, but even though Doug believed Gigi trusted him, he never knew how much she cared… Never until he took a trip to Michigan to visit his family.

When he returned from his family visit, he immediately visited Gigi, and she didn’t hesitate to show him how much she missed him.

man saved injured owl reaction moved
Wild At Heart Rescue

โ€œDoug gave Gigi an exam and immediately started shaking his head and dancing on her arm,โ€ The Dodo documented. โ€œThen, she slowly approached his chest, placed her head on his shoulders and wrapped her wings around him in a true owl hug.โ€

This gesture meant a lot to Pojeky, because it reminded his father that he used to say when he was a child that an owl visited him, and when he passed away, Doug saw the owl watching him from above from his house.

man saved injured owl reaction moved
Wild At Heart Rescue

Gigi is now in good health, but still recovering. When she is in perfect health, she will be able to return to nature, where she belongs.

But for now, he has his favorite human to hold him.

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