A Scotsman tired of his routine life decides to cycle the world and finds a kitten on his big trip.
Sometimes life can take a turn and change completely, and surprisingly a lot of those changes aren’t about big deeds, sometimes the simplest things make a difference.
In September 2018, Dean Nicholson, a young Scot, decided to cycle around the world. At 31, Dean had had enough of his 8-hour job and wanted to trade his boring lifestyle for something more adventurous.
He decided to pedal alone in all the places of the world where he could go, in order to meet them and live new adventures.
A man decides to travel the world with a kitten

His road trips have been great, he has traveled to many countries and shared all his adventures online, he never knew his plans would change.

While doing one of his adventure trails, Dean came across a little homeless kitten who kept meowing and chasing him insistently.

Dean wrote on Instagram:
As I reached the Montenegrin border, I heard this little gem mewing, its noble heart chasing me to try to get my attention. We were about 20 km from the nearest town, it was obvious that someone had abandoned her.

The adventurer was moved by the beautiful kitten and didn’t want to leave her to her fate, so he decided to pack his bags and take her with him.
Dean added:
A quick shakeup of my bike gear, and voila; now she’s happy, sitting up front and leading the ride! It needs a name, so feel free to send suggestions guys .

The kitten was named Nala and Dean took her to the nearest veterinarian where he found that she was in good health, but did not have an identification microchip.

For this reason, Dean made the decision to take it with him and continue his cycling trip around the world.

Dean told BBC News:
…she climbed on my shoulder, fell asleep and I thought that was it, that she was coming with me on this big tour.

Since then, Dean and Nala have become the most representative travel companions on social media, with more than 1M followers on Instagram.

There are many amazing photos of the different places they visited on their Instagram account, and Nala is definitely enjoying her new life. The traveling couple have already traveled over 10,000 miles together, and Dean had to go through the paperwork to get a passport for Nala.

His partner has become so important that he even creates the travel itinerary including only the places Nala can enter.
Dean commented:
I couldn’t cross Iran with the cat because they wouldn’t let her stay in hotels, so we missed that.

Wherever they are, they attract attention and people are amazed at the little passenger who rides in the front basket of the bike.

The couple also have a Facebook account and a YouTube channel, which serves as a source of funding for travel expenses.
Thanks to Dean, Nala has become very popular in the world, which even has its own calendar and a book that describes all its adventures.

Probably the abandoned kitten’s life would have had a sad ending, but luckily her life was transformed for the better alongside Dean.
Images: Instagram / 1bike1world