A homeless kitten who was hiding under cars, sees a kind-hearted man and decides he will be her savior.
Dan Yavetz was on his way to the local bank in Silver Spring to run an errand, but got a little distracted in the parking lot. What he didn’t know was that this little detour would save the life of a small, homeless animal that needed to be rescued.
The man heard a series of meows coming from the cars parked in front of the bank and decided to approach to see what it was.
Dan told The Dodo:
I went outside and saw a kitten hiding, and I called her. Surprisingly, she ran away and jumped into my arms.
Man went out to do some paperwork and returned with an abandoned kitten

Apparently, the kitten was ready to be rescued and she realized that Dan was the perfect man to be her savior.
Instead of escaping from Dan, the kitten decided to approach the man without too much effort, as if she knew everything would be fine.

Dan added:
Instead of having to coax her and work on her, she ran right away, I grabbed her, she started purring and she was really comfortable.

At that time, the man assumed the kitten had escaped from the veterinary hospital which was also in the mall. So, she decided to give her back and went to the animal center to ask if anyone was missing a kitten, but no one asked for her.
Staff at the veterinary center scanned the kitten to see if it had a microchip, but they couldn’t find it, so it was a homeless animal.

The man couldn’t give up on the little kitten, so he decided to take her to his auto shop called Aspen Hill Exxon, to finish his day’s work. There, the kitten stole the hearts of all the employees of the workshop, they even set up a small nest for her and gave her some food and water.
After finishing the day’s work, Dan decided to take the kitten home so she had a more comfortable place to rest.

Dan commented:
She’s totally a street cat. She was riding on my shoulder on the way home, sitting in the passenger seat. It’s really cool, it’s not scary or anything, it just fills me up with ‘love and energy.
With two cats at home, Dan knew he had to find her a forever family, but after taking care of her for a few days, he had already fallen in love.

Fortunately, the perfect solution fell into her hands, it turns out that her daughter’s best friend’s family was looking to adopt a cat. As expected, when the new family met the kitten, they fell completely in love and decided to welcome him into their home.

Dan added:
It’s the best of both worlds: not only have I found a nice house, but we always go there so the kids can hang out, so I see it too.

Now the kitten named Lily is having a lot of fun in her new home and loving her family, but she is always happy when Dan visits her.
Each time her savior visits her, Lily shows her joy by jumping or doing stupid things, since thanks to him she had a second chance.
Images: Instagram / aspenhillexxon
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