Nori, The Little Aussiedoodle Dog With A Human Face

puppy unique human face

Nori is a very friendly pup who dazzled everyone with his special person-like traits. His adoptive parents are used to him drawing attention to himself when they walk down the street.

Nori is a small dog that has captivated everyone on the internet due to the strong resemblance of its unique face to a human. Even his adoptive parents claim to have used the face swap app on him.

This dog is an Aussiedoodle / Aussiepoo breed and was adopted last year by Kevin Hurless, 33, and Tiffany Ngo, 34, of Seattle. Her eyes are large and almond-shaped, her pink lips seem to curve in such a way that they give the impression of a human smile.

Tiffany and Kevin have gotten used to people being curious about their pet’s face, especially after a photo of them went viral on Twitter.

Adorable puppy has a human face

puppy with cap

Kevin said:

When he was a puppy, we couldn’t walk more than a block without someone stopping us to ask about him. It became less common as he got older, but you still hear often how human his face and eyes are.

brown puppy

When Nori was a puppy, he had darker fur and was also compared to Star Wars characters, like Chewbacca or an Ewok. They even said he looked like Fizzgig from “The Dark Crystal” or Garth from “Wayne’s World”.

Puppy with blue accessory

Tiffany Ngo runs his Instagram account, where he constantly shares photos of himself, and users often express amazement at his human features. She likes that Nori improves the mood of people who see him.

Dog has a human-like face

This one-faced pup weighs only around 13 pounds and is mostly furry, he is also very friendly, energetic and playful, always getting along with all people and other pets.

Last year, the couple decided to find a companion in Nori and adopted Boba, a one-year-old Shorkie, who is a Shih Tzu / Yorkie mix.

Puppies are inseparable

Both puppies play all the time, Nori usually has more energy than Boba and when the two are hanging out together, Nori’s resemblance to a human can be noticed more.

puppies look up

Tiffany told The Dodo:

Nori is also very fond of water and mud. He likes to swim in the pool during the summer and look for mud puddles to drop into during the fall and winter.

Pair of adorable puppies

If you want to know more about Nori, you can follow her Instagram profile where she has over 16,000 followers.

Images: Instagram / norichiban


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