Paralyzed Kitten Is Determined To Enjoy Life Like Other Cats And Nothing Can Stop Her

paralyzed kitten enjoy life other cats

Last month, a caretaker of a colony of wild cats in Tucson, Arizona (United States), took a small paralyzed kitten to the veterinarian for him to check her and begin to carry out the corresponding treatment for her situation.

The adorable feline had been hit by a car when she was about to cross the street, and the accident unfortunately left her with paralysis of her hind legs.

Pima Animal Care Center decided to take her in and found a temporary foster volunteer to attend to the special needs of the little feline.

Paralyzed kitten determined to enjoy life

Paralyzed kitten

Despite everything, the kitten named Giselle, was calm all the time, as if she knew that she was in good hands and wanted to enjoy her life. Giselle needed a more experienced foster home, so when Danielle, founder of With Grace (in Las Vegas), found out about the kitten, she decided to help her.

Earlier this month, SWATT Rescue volunteer Leanne M. took Giselle from Tucson to Las Vegas to meet with her new foster family.

Giselle in bed

Danielle told Love Meow:

It is truly amazing what can be accomplished when so many people work together to save a life. When I saw Giselle, I knew there was something special about her. She looked at me with those big eyes and I melted.

Giselle settled into her new abode after taking a long tour of her room; she despite being paralyzed she had her way of walking.

The kitten quickly proved that she could easily move around the place using her front paws and she could chase toys like a pro.

Paralyzed kitten interacting

Danielle added:

She is the calmest kitten that I think I have cared for in my life, she is a very small angel and she lets herself be carried away. It is impossible not to fall in love with her.

Giselle is actually very small, weighing only a pound and a half, but her small size and physical disability do not stop her from living normal. The kitten is determined to do everything other cats do and have a good life; for her there is no physical problem.

Giselle in tent

Danielle said:

She doesn’t know that she is different from any other cat. She is currently teaching her to use ramps to get on furniture, so that she does not feel left out and she can go wherever she wants.

The feline insists on sitting alone on the couch and snuggling in a blanket next to her foster mother whenever she gets the chance. When she is not snuggling with her, she can be seen hanging around the house, playing, or trying to interact with other cats.

Giselle thriving

Danielle commented:

She understands that they need time to get close to her and she gives them the space to do so. She is unique and it is really special to see her personality.

Due to her paralysis, Giselle does not use her litter box and needs help from her caregivers a few times a day to relieve herself. This is a very easy task to do and does not take much time, apart from that, the sweet kitten does not require other special care.

When she saw the Christmas tree for the first time in her life, Giselle was fascinated and walked over to inspect all the branches.

Giselle christmas tree

The beautiful kitten does not let anything stop her when she sets out to do something, and she always looks for the right way to achieve her goal.

Danielle said:

Caring for cats and kittens that are a little different from ‘normal’ cats is a very inspiring experience. They don’t know that they are different and when they set out to achieve something, nothing can stop them.

Paralyzed kitten model

After a rough start in her life, Giselle recovered quickly, now she is thriving, and she is getting louder and more boisterous every day. She still has a lot to grow and feline skills to hone before she is ready to search for a forever loving family.

Giselle model

For now, she will remain in the foster home honing her skills and moving carefree in her world.

Images: Instagram / Fostercatsandkittens

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