Also known as a mini husky, the Pomsky dog is a real stuffed animal of meat and bone, a really adorable hairy ball that will not leave anyone indifferent. Precisely because of its appearance, the Pomsky has gained popularity in recent years.
The Pomsky is one of the most recent dogs, called “hybrid dogs” or cross breeds to appear on the scene and is today one of the most popular companions and pets in several countries of the world. The breed was born by crossing a Siberian Husky with a Pomeranian and these charming little dogs were an immediate success thanks to their adorable appearance and their loving and often mischievous nature.
The Pomsky can deservedly be called a designer dog, which in a short period of its existence was able to conquer the whole world. This half-breed husky and spitz is one of the rarest and most expensive breeds.

Pomsky photos
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Physical characteristics
The Pomsky is a breed of dog that generally weighs between 7 and 14 kilograms, being classified as a medium-sized breed. In this range, two categories or types of Pomsky are distinguished:
On the one hand, there are those considered as first generation, which are the specimens with a balanced genetic percentage between the husky and the Pomeranian, that is to say half and half, so they weigh between 9 and 14 kilograms.
On the other, we have those of the second generation in which the presence of the Pomeranian is accentuated, so that its size will be smaller, between 7 and 9 kilograms.
The height at the withers varies between 25 to 40 cm, whatever the sex.
Distinctive features
- Head: The head and muzzle may resemble a spitz or a husky.
- Teeth: The teeth are white, quite strong. Bite “scissors”.
- Ears: The ears are triangular in shape with rounded, erect tips.
- Eyes: Eyes like a husky. The color of the iris is brown, yellowish brown, hazel green and blue. The manifestation of heterochromia or the presence of “projections” on the iris is the norm.
- Body: Light or heavy body type, stretched or shortened format.
- Limbs: The legs are straight, parallel, sufficiently strong.
- Coat: The coat varies from extremely short to long and coarse to soft in texture. The color can be exactly the same as that of a husky, while the characteristic mask on the muzzle is retained or all the shades of Pomeranian are repeated, in addition, a solid snow-white color is found.
Character and behavior
Due to the large difference between the different Pomsky specimens, it is difficult to establish a pattern of behavior that encompasses all Pomsky dogs. Their behavior will depend on the genetic percentage inherited from each parent. In this way, if it is more Pomeranian, it will be more territorial dogs and attached to their guardian, even some may present problems with regard to children and other pets, but this will generally be resolved with proper training and early socialization of puppies. On the contrary, if the predominant genes are those of the husky, Pomsky puppies will have no difficulty adjusting to family life, although training adapted to their needs may also be necessary or recommended.
In general, these are active and playful dogs that will require many hours of play and activity. If they receive proper training, good socialization and are treated with love and care, as with most breeds, the Pomsky dog or mini husky will undoubtedly be an unrivaled companion.
Generally speaking, pomsky is a friendly, overly active and sociable creature who likes to frolic with all family members.
This dog is characterized by a certain amount of selfishness and stubbornness. Solitude lasts easily and without hysteria only if it is good to walk before parting.
With regards to health, these dogs are almost problem-free. Thanks to the effect of heterosis, the Pomsky does not suffer from hereditary diseases. But, like all living things, this dog also has health problems.
Basically, they arise due to improper nutrition, due to inappropriate conditions of detention.
Most often, the Pomsky has the following problems:
- Dental diseases – tartar, early tooth loss.
- Allergic reactions – more often occur to detergents, but there may be food allergies.
- Eye diseases – more often observed in dogs that have reached 6-7 years old, young individuals rarely suffer from such problems.
It is important to carry out treatment for fleas and ticks on time, especially in the warm season. Regular deworming and routine vaccinations cannot be ignored.
Once a year, visit a veterinary clinic with your pet, where the dog will be examined by specialists, undergo an X-ray examination and get tested.
Life expectancy
On average, a Pomsky can live to be 14-16 years old.
There is nothing difficult in caring for a new species of a Pomsky. Follow the procedures below on time, and your dog will be well-groomed, beautiful and healthy:
- We comb out weekly, at the same time doing a brush massage of the skin.
- We bathe 1-2 times in 30-40 days. “Human” shampoo will not work. It is important to buy quality dog detergents. Watch for allergic reactions. After bathing, dry your pet with a towel and blow dry.
- We wipe the eyes every morning, removing the discharge after the night.
- Ears are examined and cleaned weekly. Noticing excessive accumulations of earwax, or feeling an unpleasant odor, we urgently show the poms to a veterinarian. Since these symptoms can signal infectious diseases.
- We cut the claws as needed, correcting their shape from time to time. The first time, contact the groomer to teach you how to use the clipper correctly, otherwise, due to your inexperience, you can injure your pet’s fingers.
- Brushing your dog’s teeth is extremely important. The procedure is carried out weekly at least three times. You will need a silicone filler and a paste that has a specific smell and does not foam.
Fun facts
- Pomsky, like cats, “wash” with their paws and lick their fur.
- The Pomsky is on the list of the cleanest dogs, it is almost impossible to see him dirty. This is also facilitated by the fact that the coat of the specified pet has a dirt-repellent property.
- In one litter, there can be puppies belonging to different types of exterior. For example, fox and shorthair or plush and white.
- In the first three months, the color of the eyes in Pomsky puppies is unstable, it can change. If you want to have one hundred percent blue-eyed or brown-eyed, buy a puppy that has already reached three months of age.
- Each subsequent litter is different from the previous one, each Pomsky puppy is unique in its own way, has a unique pattern, color shade.
- The instability of the exterior of these hybrid dogs is explained by the purebred parents.
- The unique exterior of the Pomsky is possible only when crossing purebred Spitz and Husky. When crossing the resulting mestizos (poms), it is impossible to achieve the same ideal result.
History of the breed
This breed of dog is one of the most recent that exists. Pomsky are hybrid or crossbreed dogs, in particular it is the mixture between two very popular Nordic breeds: the Siberian husky and the Pomeranian. Therefore, its name is made up of the combination of the names of these two precursor breeds, taking the first three letters of “Pomeranian” and the last three of “husky”, a curious way to honor their genetic origins.
Normally, the mother of the Pomsky dog is husky and the father is Pomeranian so that a “big” mother gives birth to puppies smaller than her and thus avoids complications during puppybirth. However, this is not an exact science, because not only does the genetics of parents come into play, it also influences that of previous parents such as grandparents.
The Pomsky dog is a hybrid so recent that it is not listed by the International Cynological Federation, because it is a developing breed that will need time to consolidate. For this reason, the Pomsky lacks pedigree. The Pomsky dog is native to the United States, and although it has not yet been officially recognized as a breed by the relevant agencies, it is a highly demanded breed in the United States and around the world and it Several clubs of the breed already exist, such as the Pomsky Club of America.