Puppy and baby meet for the first time, excitement was impossible to hide

Puppy and baby meet for the first time
Youtube.com / Bernd van Bos

The parents of a 10-month-old girl shared online a recording of the first meeting of the youngest members of the family. The child met her future friend, a 10-week-old Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. When the animal started barking, the girl’s reaction impressed her parents. The caregivers couldn’t have made a better choice.

The right dog for a child – which breed to choose?

What are the best dog breeds for families with children? When choosing a four-legged friend for a young person, you need to consider a number of more or less obvious factors so that both the child and the animal feel safe and comfortable. Some dog breeds are known for their gentle nature, caring nature and excellent contact with children, which is why they can successfully adapt to a shared space with playful children. The speech includes: about a golden retriever, a labrador, a beagle or a Bernese mountain dog. Representatives of the mentioned breeds are recommended for families with children because of their friendly and patient nature.

Regardless of the characteristics of the temperament, it is important that the animal is well socialized and that the parents constantly monitor the interactions between the animal and the child from the very beginning in case of misunderstandings or inappropriate behavior on the part of the animal or its offspring. Bernd van den Bos and his partner began to think about the idea of โ€‹โ€‹expanding their family with a pet.

The new parents became the guardians of a charming Bernese mountain dog puppy. After the first moments in his new home, the owners of a dog named Bus recorded the moment when their daughter met her future friend. The recording has more than 19 million views and has become a hit on the Internet.

The child met his four-legged friend. The girl’s reaction impressed her parents

The recording shows that the dog was trying to attract attention by barking, but when he did, the child smiled wider and looked at the animal. The little one’s laughter made the dog happy and he looked aggressively at his guardians.

The parents must have been very surprised by this turn of events. Usually, even a small noise is enough to make a baby jump and cry. In this case, the girl only jumped slightly every time Bus made a sound. Even though they both still couldn’t communicate effectively and stumbled, their reaction indicates that this will be a lifelong friendship.

The Internet was flooded with positive comments. Netizens did not hide their joy

The video of the puppy and the laughing child moved the Internet users. Many of them left comments under the video. There is no denying that this duo can soften the heart of almost any animal lover.

“The little girl is so excited that she is moving her legs while looking at the puppy.”

“I wonder what these two said to each other. They seem very satisfied with the conversation.

“The puppy must have told her how many adventures awaited them together and what great friends they will become.”

“They are both incredibly adorable.”

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a breed characterized by attentiveness, courage in everyday situations and, above all, boundless loyalty to its family members. They are known for their love and devotion, which makes them excellent companions for adults and children. They are intelligent, eager to learn new commands and, by nature, they are very protective of people and the area.

It should not be forgotten that having a dog from a young age is not only a privilege, but also an extraordinary adventure full of emotions, life lessons and unforgettable moments that will remain forever in the child’s heart.

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