Perhaps every cat owner has questions about their pet’s behavior. For example, why does he roll on his back or why does he insist on climbing into the box if he has not been able to fit in for a long time? These and other questions are answered by Pets Feed.
We searched and found an explanation for the various habits and actions of our pets. For example, it turned out why cats love boxes so much. It turns out that the box serves as a shelter that gives a sense of security and a warm place where there is no wind from anywhere.
We also found out why cats are afraid of cucumbers, the videos of which have become so popular. The pranks played on cats who suddenly slip a cucumber on themselves are not so harmless and are fraught with consequences – the cat may be afraid to approach its bowl or litter box. Such entertainment is strongly discouraged, as it can psychologically injure the animal. Anyone would be frightened by an object suddenly appearing behind them. Perhaps each of us shivered when someone imperceptibly approached us from behind and spoke to us. Therefore, you should not frighten your pets like that.
And we continue to answer questions that are often visited by owners at the inexplicable sight at first sight of the actions of cats.
Why do cats wake their owners in the middle of the night?
Many have noticed that cats begin their vocal exercises just when owners are sleeping and having the sweetest dream. But why? Are they worried about something? How to stop it?
Cats are nocturnal animals, so the highest activity begins precisely in the dark. A person has the most active time of the day – from morning to noon, which he spends at work and is at the peak of brain activity. At this time, the cats stay at home on their own. Someone is naughty, someone is sleeping peacefully or walking around, but when the owner arrives, they have someone to play with and who can take care of them.
Of course, many of us come home tired and exhausted to toss a stuffed mouse to the cat. Therefore, when we go to sleep, the cats haven’t played enough yet. Sometimes it seems like cats aren’t particularly interested in people, but cats also need communication, attention, and to stay in touch with their human. Play with the cat, feed it, comb its fur, stroke the animal. These little signs of attention convince the cat that you care about him.
If you didn’t do any of this, but only poured dry food into a bowl, don’t be surprised that the cat wants to recover. Loud behavior can have a variety of causes, including loneliness. If in the evening you do not pay attention to a cat that has already spent the whole day alone, it may require attention later, when you have already gone to bed. If you woke up once, then for her it’s a small victory – woke up once, wake up the second, third and tenth.
Another reason for a loud cry in the middle of the night can be illness – this way the animal tries to draw the owner’s attention to its discomfort. A cat may meow in pain, so examine the animal carefully and observe its behavior – nutrition, movements, activity, going to the toilet, and if the loud meowing is accompanied by new symptoms, go to the vet immediately.
If the animal is not neutered or neutered, the meowing may be due to estrus or the desire to mate. The question of sterilization should be decided only by the owner – if you doubt the necessity of this procedure, consult a veterinarian who will explain all the advantages, disadvantages and consequences of sterilization. After such an operation, pets usually become much calmer, more affectionate and quieter.
Why do cats roll on their backs?
Cats are flexible animals, and this is especially evident when, lying on their backs, they bend and twist in different directions. Why are they doing this?
Bent over and lying on their backs, cats scratch their backs and stretch. When a person wants to stretch, they do it and feel better. Many cats just like to lie on their backs, which is quite a pleasant experience. If a cat is rolling on the floor, it may have increased sex drive, as this action is physically pleasurable and cats usually lay on their backs invitingly in front of cats.
Lying on your back can indicate submission and devotion, just like in dogs. According to veterinarians, this is the perfect time to start playing with the animal – lying on its back can serve as an invitation to games and pranks.
Of course, cats wouldn’t be cats if they didn’t use a person for their needs. If every time the cat lays on its back, the owner drops all his things and runs to scratch his warm soft belly, then of course the cat will repeat this maneuver again and again. The logic of the animal is simple: “Why not reuse a technique if it works perfectly?”. Cats often practice this method to attract the attention of their owner.
The stomach is a secret place on the cat’s body, access to which is not given to everyone. Also, most cats don’t like being petted for too long. Therefore, it is better to caress the belly of the cat which will not flinch at each contact.
Why does the cat stop go to the litter box?
The answer to this question should be sought in several directions, since everything depends on the state of health, age and character of the animal.
Most often, the owners believe that the reason lies in the nature of the cat – it is just mischievous, but soon everything will pass. Unfortunately, this is not the right approach, because there is always a good reason for this action. Often it’s all about the litter box – cats don’t always like the smell or look of it, like pellets or sand. If that’s the reason, then it’s best to try several types of bedding to find the one that’s right for you and your pet.
Another reason for refusing to go to the ferry is its location. If it is too prominent, the cat will feel vulnerable while doing its business. It is best to place the litter box in the toilet or somewhere else where the cat will feel safe and will not be disturbed.
Cats have unpleasant associations with the litter box. Perhaps the reason lies in past fear or in another animal. If several cats live in the house, it is advisable to provide each cat with an individual litter box. Experts recommend getting an extra bedding in case the animals decide which of them is dominant, and one of them will be unpleasant near the bedding.
If you recently moved into a new home, this could be another reason the litter box sits unused. Give the animal time to get used to the new environment and make sure that nothing threatens it here. After a while, the cat will remember where its bed, bowl, toys and toilet are and will feel comfortable. During the adaptation period, special attention must be paid to the animal, as the move can be very stressful for him and lead to health problems, such as urinary disorders or kidney disease.
It also happens that it is simply difficult for an animal to enter the tank. Maybe the sides of the litter box are too high for the cat and the best solution would be to buy another litter box with lower sides.
In conclusion, let’s remember the obvious reason, which however owners often forget โ the litter box must be clean. Cats are very clean creatures and will not pee in dirty litter. The owner should carefully monitor the cleanliness of the litter box and the freshness of the load so that the animal is happy to enter it. However, if the litter box is clean and you cannot determine the cause, consult your veterinarian. It is possible that your pet has developed health problems that occur without symptoms and can only be identified by a medical examination.