Ragdoll | Cat Breed Information & Facts – Pictures

    Ragdoll cat
    Crédit : Depositphotos

    Ragdoll is a very calm, friendly house cat. Thanks to a sufficiently high intelligence, it lends itself to training, but sometimes it is too lazy.

    This is a rather large cat, like a pixie-bob and a Somali cat, semi-long-haired with a fluffy “collar”. Very attached to the owners.

    The ragdoll is a cat that stands out for its physical and behavioral characteristics. It is an easily recognizable animal, very numerous in homes around the world due to its great docility, which has earned it to be one of the best breeds of cats as a pet.


    Ragdoll photos

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    Characteristics of the Ragdoll

    Ragdolls are large animals with elongated bodies and long, silky hair. Outwardly, they are very similar to Burmese cats.


    Distinctive features

    • Ears: Medium in size, set well apart, with rounded tips.
    • Eyes: large, slightly oblique, oval.
    • Muzzle: Medium sized, rounded wedge shape, with prominent cheeks.
    • Neck: strong, muscular.
    • Body: Muscular, long.
    • Hair: medium length, thick, silky.
    • Legs: medium length and thickness, muscular.
    • Legs: Large, rounded, hairy between the toes.
    • Tail: long, tapered to the end, fluffy.
    • Color: seal, chocolate, blue, lilac, red, cream

    Ragdoll cat weights by month

    The weight of a ragdoll cat can reach 8-10 kg, and in some cases up to 17 kg. At the same time, females are somewhat smaller in size and lighter than males.

    Age Female Male
    1 month 280-470 g 400-710 g
    2 months 490-830 g 800-1470 g
    3 months 1.2-1.63 kg 1.46-2.3 kg
    4 months 1.7-2.34 kg 1.96-3.67 kg
    5 months 2.25-3.3 kg 2.42-4.15 kg
    6 months 2.5-3.6 kg 2.96-5.69 kg
    8 months 3-4 , 35 kg 3.55-6.3 kg
    10 months 3.3-4.8 kg 5.2-7.2 kg
    1 year 3.5-5.4 kg 6-7.7 kg
    2 years 3.76 -7.2 kg 8-9.8 kg
    Average weight table by month

    Neutered cats are usually characterized by more active weight gain and, as a result, without active exercise, suffer from obesity.

    The average length of a Ragdoll cat by age

    AgeLength ( in )Length ( cm )
    8 weeks7 to 918 – 22 cm
    3 months8 to 1020 – 25 cm
    6 months10 to 1225 – 30 cm
    9 months12 to 1430 – 35 cm
    1 year14 to 1635 – 40 cm
    2 years +16 to 1840 – 45 cm

    Character and behavior

    The Ragdoll cat has a very kind and peaceful nature. These cute creatures are famous for their gentle and calm nature, which quickly makes them the perfect companion and pet for every member of the family. They get along well with everyone and derive inner satisfaction from being in a family environment.

    At the same time, cats are quite playful, inquisitive, have a pronounced intelligence and get along very well with children. In fact, it can be said that it is one of the best breeds for family life and friendship with children, except for people allergic to animal hair. After all, this is a medium-long-haired breed, which imposes certain restrictions.

    Additionally, ragdoll cats are very accepting of other pets, and dogs are no exception. Unless the dog behaves aggressively and hostile.

    The Ragdoll has an average activity level, which can increase or decrease depending on the surrounding conditions and the owner’s approach to it. They can learn to come when called, are very obedient and not very quiet, especially when it comes to food. Ragdolls are able to really bond with their family members.


    1. Ragdolls are quite lazy and don’t like change. Due to the reduced muscle tone, cats of this breed can take the most bizarre poses and stay in them for a long time.

    2. Loneliness oppresses these cats: if there is no one around for a long time, they stress, lose their appetite and can get sick.


    Ragdoll is associated with an inherited manifestation of heart disease (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) which can cause heart failure at an early age. Consult your veterinarian if you intend to acquire a cat of this breed.

    The most common diseases that affect Ragdolls are:

    • Urinary problems (which may be kidney or ureter)
    • Polycystic kidney disease
    • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    Inbreeding is the most serious problem in this cat breed since about half of all Ragdoll genes (45%) come from the sole founder, Raggedy Ann Daddy Warbucks.

    Life expectancy

    The life expectancy of the Ragdoll cat is between 12 and 17 years. It is a relatively healthy breed of cat, but due to the size of the medium-long hair, digestive problems such as tricobezoars (hairballs in the stomach) can occur.


    The Ragdoll cat needs careful grooming. In this regard, everything depends on the owner, because the breed itself is very beautiful, and this beauty must be constantly maintained. The cat needs constant combing of the wool, especially during the moulting period.

    Also keep in mind that your upholstered furniture will accumulate wool, which means you’ll need to keep an eye on not only the cat, but also the cleanliness of chairs and sofas. The undercoat is relatively small, which reduces hair loss somewhat, but this cannot be relied on alone. Resign yourself to the fact that you will have to take care of the animal. It is better to use a brush daily to avoid the formation of lumps.

    Accordingly, you should not buy a Ragdoll for a child – such a responsibility may be too great for him. If you are not ready to do this yourself, it is better to buy a short-haired cat.

    Claw trimming (once a week), tooth brushing (at least twice a week), ear and eye trimming are obligatory rituals that must be performed strictly.

    Fun facts

    • Ragdoll kittens begin to see a couple of weeks after birth, while their other relatives only 10-12. This largely depends on the muscle tone of this cat species.
    • These cats are finally formed upon reaching the age of three.
    • The structure of the Ragdoll cat’s wool does not allow it to roll. Therefore, caring for these creatures is simplified.
    • The first color appears on the white coat of a small cat at 10 days, and by the age of two it becomes the main one.
    • A Ragdoll kitten will cost an average of $ 180-650. The price varies depending on the documents for the cat, pedigree, weight, age, gender.
    • Extreme complaisance helps the kitty to quickly adapt, find a common language with other pets in the house.

    History of the breed

    This type of cat was bred in the 60s of the last century in the US state of California. The Ragdoll cat owes his appearance to the local breeder of the Persians, Ann Baker. The woman bought the kittens of a long-haired cat Josephine and a Burmese cat from a neighbor and used them to obtain a new breed. For breeding work, she specially selected the most calm, phlegmatic individuals and crossed them with Burmese, who had marks of a chocolate shade.

    The first mating was not documented in any way, and in 1971 Baker created her own Croup registry and for several decades controlled the standard of the breed called Ragdoll.

    IRCA breeders bought franchises from her company, paid license fees and donated 10% of the cost of each kitten sold. Unsurprisingly, by 1975, there were a lot of dissatisfied shareholders and breeders with this strategy. They left the IRCA with a scandal, united in the “Ragdoll Society” and began to strive for standardization of the breed and giving it an official status.

    A few decades later, ragdolls became eligible to participate in the championships of the largest North American cat associations. And in 2000 they were admitted to CFA events.


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