Last winter, Indi showed up at her current family’s doorstep meowing for help. They thought she was just a baby because of her thinness, but after taking her to the vet, they discovered she was already 2 years old. The family decided to adopt her on the spot, but Indi struggled to adjust to having siblings and always being indoors.
To keep Indi comfortable, her parents built her a beautiful home in their barn that includes a TV, cat tree, fireplace and lots of toys. It also has a small door to be able to go outside to play when the weather permits.
During a recent winter storm, Indi’s family assumed she had been inside all day. They went to secure the cat’s door before going to bed so he couldn’t go out at night and then they didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. They said goodnight to Indi and fell asleep.
Rescued cat finds squirrel and decides to help
To their surprise, when they went to open the door, they found a squirrel sleeping in front of the fireplace instead of their cat.
Looks like Indi must have been in the storm the night before after all. When she saw the little squirrel that needed help, she took him in without hesitation, just like her family had done last winter. They hadn’t noticed when they’d said good night to Indi, so they both spent the night together by a pleasantly warm fire.
The Unbroken Smile, Indi’s family (who asked that her real name not be included), told The Dodo:
“The squirrel was sleeping at first, [and] I thought something was wrong. But as I got closer, I [saw him] breathing and he slowly opened his eyes and started to look at me. watch. Some social media followers thought he was or was going to hibernate. Anyway, it looked pretty cozy.”
Indi continued to watch the squirrel to make sure he was okay. He seemed to care about her and his family members were surprised at how compassionate their feline was.
family says:
“Indi came and checked and looked at me like she wanted to make sure I [saw him] and [knew] she was a good girl.”
After the storm passed, Indi and her family took the squirrel out to see if they could bring it home. The little boy seemed ready to return to his friends. They called Alvin the squirrel, placed him near the woods in his yard where he stayed for half a minute before running off into some bushes.
The family added:
“I guess I had a whole story to tell Simon, Theodore and all their friends. I keep thinking I’m going to go to the barn and there will be a whole family huddled under my fireplace.”
Indi’s family are happy whenever she remembers what to do when someone needs help, as they assume it’s a reminder of her coming home.
Finally, the family said:
“Maybe she remembers us bringing her here last winter and she was just reciprocating.”
Images: TikTok / The Unbroken Smile
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