Rescued dog adopts three kittens

Anita said:
“I have never seen a mother lose an entire litter before. The best way I could describe it was that she was frantic. I was so sad, I was looking for these babies. She broke the baby mattress on which we had her set up, trying to find her babies.”

Hoping Georgia would begin her physical and emotional healing process, Anita appealed for help on social media, looking for any animals in need of a nursing mother.

That’s how they found a trio of newborn orphaned kittens who desperately needed a mother to help them thrive.
Anita initially wondered if a dog would accept kittens, but was surprised to see the instant bond Georgia formed with her three foster kittens.
Anita said:
“I introduced them gently. I took one first and let her smell it, and she seemed to accept it, so I brought the others. It’s amazing how instantly he calmed down. I think the kittens have no idea that Georgia is a dog.”

Georgia even allows her kittens to feed, even though her milk supply is low.
Anita added:
“She breastfeeds them. She cleans them and everything, but the bond is strong. It’s really something to see, she protects these kittens as if they were her babies.”

Georgia is happy that these three felines have entered her life, after all the pain caused by the loss of her young.
Images: Facebook / Sunshine Dog Rescue
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