There are some amazing stories that we see in the movies that don’t seem so far removed from the truth. Like the famous Disney creation called The Fox and the Hound, which recently came to life with the friendship of a rescued fox and an adorable bulldog.
This incredible story began when a 28-year-old woman named Pauline Ashanolla, from the Isle of Wight, England, rescued a two-week-old fox in April.
The little abandoned puppy had been discovered by a couple, who, failing to find a rescue center to stay with her, contacted Pauline.
The rescued fox and bulldog are best friends

Pauline is a woman well known for her passion to help animals in need, so she was the right person for the job. When she learned the story, she immediately decided to take care of the little girl and do whatever was necessary for her to recover from her health problems.

Pauline was determined to help the fox, so much so that she gave up her dream job as an animal groomer to be available full time for her, and named her Marley.
With time and a lot of dedication, he slowly recovered his health and became a beautiful animal.

Her bulldog Ernie also lives in Pauline’s house; that he would become the other protagonist of a beautiful friendship.
Although it has been a long and difficult road, a beautiful friendship has blossomed between these two animals, regardless of their differences.

Pauline told Kennedy News and Media:
Marley was so bad when we found her, she was covered in flies and ticks. They were in her ears, everywhere. She was throwing up really big worms, they were longer than her. She sure would have died if she was. they did not find her until 15 minutes later.
For the first six weeks, Pauline took care of Marley in a very strict and dedicated manner until she was in full health.

The woman gave poor Marley a syringe filled with milk every 90 minutes, day and night. In addition, he provided her with special medical treatment to treat all of her health issues, including her infestation of parasites and ticks.

After several weeks of treatments, Marley made impressive progress and grew into a strong and healthy animal, even finding a best friend.

Pauline said:
At first I was worried about Marley, especially how he would get along with dogs. At first Ernie was terrified of Marley and didn’t like him, but gradually he started to sleep closer to him. her After about three weeks they started playing and one day they started running together and have always been best friends.

Now the couple of friends are inseparable, they play together all day, they go for a walk together, they sleep together and they constantly mess around in their house.

The beautiful friendship that was born between these two animals has captured the hearts of many people on social networks who fill them with sweet comments.

This adorable pair of friends turned out to be pure love.

This friendship is the true version of Disney’s fox and dog, and without a doubt, their beautiful bond will continue to grow regardless of their differences.
Images: Kennedy News and Media
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