Rescued Kitten Befriends Family Cat And Demands Constant Cuddles

rescued kitten friend cat family constant hugs

Three adorable rescued kittens came to a foster family in search of a better quality of life. The cats were very thin and in poor health; Under the protection of their host family, they had a long way to go.

When they were around 4 weeks old they looked too small and skinny, weighing around 12-13 ounces each, despite this, Splash and Spritz, the two tabby kittens were quite sassy and outgoing with their keepers.

Jennifer, a volunteer with the IndyHumane Rescue Center, told Love Meow:

“They were very thin and dirty when I got them, so I guess they were alone for a while before heading to IndyHumane (in Indianapolis, Indiana).”

Rescued kitten befriends family cat

rescued kitten friend cat family constant hugs

The little redhead was called Squirt. Although the adorable kitten was more shy than his sisters, with a little food and care, he quickly let his personality shine. On the other hand, Spritz is a rough girl with a grumpy air, but she is the playful of the 3 siblings.

rescued kitten friend cat family constant hugs

After a few days, the charming kitten is fascinated by its indoor life and follows its adoptive mother in search of hugs and companionship.

Jennifer says:

“Squirt was the most suspicious of me at first. He even hissed when I walked into the room, but now he’s obsessed with me. He wants to be on my knees all the time and purrs when his head and face are wrinkled.”

rescued kitten friend cat family constant hugs

Thanks to the care of their adoptive mother, the 3 little cats have gained weight and their health is recovering, now they are enjoying their new energy by running around the corners of their house running and playing nonstop.

Jennifer loves to pamper them with toys and accessories so that the little ones can enjoy all their new energy.

rescued kitten friend cat family constant hugs

Jennifer’s resident cat Bear was delighted to meet the 3 new members and was the best big brother little kittens could wish for. It was a great help in the recovery process of these boys.

Jennifer remembers:

“The first meeting was without contact. Both girls were curious about Bear, but Squirt wasn’t so sure. He was the same to me at first, but he warms up quickly.”

After a few weeks in foster care, the kittens were ready to share with their new brother, Bear was thrilled and played the role of the older brother to these three curious felines perfectly.

Little Squirt enjoys spending time with Bear while watching cat TV through the window, when he is not with his best friend the red haired boy enjoys playing with his favorite teddy bear.

rescued kitten friend cat family constant hugs

Bear is a lovely kitten and for the moment he’s giving him the space that the two naughty sisters who think they are the bosses of the place need. For his part, Squirt enjoys all the attention he can get from his older brother.

Jennifer adds:

“Squirt has definitely become the most stubborn and attractive kitten of the bunch. He loves to be held and cuddled!”

rescued kitten friend cat family constant hugs

The charming resident cat has a unique way of approaching other felines and making them feel confident in his company. Let them calmly approach and play a bit on their own terms.

Much like these 3 cubs, Bear entered his mother’s foster family and eventually became the family’s resident cat and the foster kittens’ best friend.

You can learn a little more about these lovely felines and the work the rescue center does on their Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Images: Instagram/ newkittensontheblock

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