7 Scientific Reasons To Have A Cat

    Scientific Reasons To Have A Cat

    Everyone knows how wonderful cats can be – whether soft or smooth, playful or sleepy, meowing or purring. But there are more compelling reasons to have a pet.

    Even the usual viewing of videos featuring cute cats can fill a person with energy and save him from negative emotions. Therefore, it is not surprising that the presence of a furry friend (or not) in the house has a number of serious advantages. Of course, first and foremost, you should have a cat for the soul, not for selfish motives, however, Petsfeed has found 7 scientifically valid reasons why each of us literally needs a pet that purrs.

    1.     Owning a cat is good for your heart, bones and muscles

    An affectionate cat who meets you in the evening and spends time with you is the best social assistant to combat daily stress. Since stress directly affects cardiovascular health, cat owners are much less likely to have heart problems.

    It would seem, what do cats and the health of the musculoskeletal system have to do with it? The answer lies in the unique ability of seals – to purr. A purring animal emits sounds at a frequency of 20 to 140 Hz. Numerous studies prove that frequencies of 18 to 35 Hz can heal microtraumas and improve the mobility of muscles and joints.

    2.     Connecting with people becomes easier

    Research from the University of Missouri has shown that children with Asperger’s syndrome are much more likely to socialize if they have pets at home, especially cats. A furry friend can increase its owner’s interest in the people around him, improve his communication skills, which is useful not only for children with special needs, but also for shy and timid people in general.

    3.     And immunity will be stronger

    The presence of a cat in the house strengthens the immune system (especially in young children) and effectively sets it up to fight infectious diseases. Whiskers may also reduce the risk of developing gastroenteritis in infants.

    4.     Cats Help Pump Up Intelligence

    The link between the presence of a pet in the house and intelligence is rather indirect, but it is nonetheless. Scientists have proven that cat owners have on average a higher IQ than those who don’t.

    5.     Positive effect on sleep

    According to surveys conducted by the Mayo Clinic Lois Crane, patients with sleep disorders reported significant improvements when their cat was with them when they fell asleep, resulting in deeper, more restful sleep. Thus, we can safely say that cats have a calming effect.

    6.     And mental health in general

    UK company Cats Protection surveyed over 600 people, including people without pets and cat owners. Some of the respondents suffered from various mental disorders. According to the data obtained, 87% of those who have a purring friend at home believe that cats have a beneficial effect on their psychological state.

    Researchers from the University of Toronto (Canada) have found that petting and even just talking with a cat for at least 15-30 minutes helps to cope with the consequences of insomnia: lethargy, apathy, bad mood and depression.

    This may be due to the fact that during physical contact and communication with cats, blood pressure normalizes and some types of arrhythmias are relieved, and the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases. Dopamine, the pleasure hormone, is released.

    7.     You will forget what loneliness is

    Most people have felt lonely at least once in their life. If you have a cat at home, you will forget loneliness once and for all: this is one of the reasons why four-legged friends often “work” in nursing homes in the West.

    There are many reasons to have a cat, but the main one defies scientific justification: it is love. If you are ready to love and take care of a cat, do not hesitate to make a four-legged friend. And above all, choose the right food for the health and happiness of the cat.


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